
SEO in the journalistic company: perceptions and key elements for its adoption in writing
El SEO en la empresa periodística: percepciones y elementos clave para su adopción en las redacciones

Carlos Lopezosa. Pompeu Fabra University. Spain.
Magdalena Trillo-Domínguez. University of Granada. Spain.
Lluís Codina. Pompeu Fabra University. Spain.
Marga Cabrera Méndez. Polytechnic University of Valencia. Spain.

Introduction. The importance that media professionals give to search engine positioning in journalistic writing and its different dimensions is analyzed. Specifically, the perception of journalism professionals is studied after the recent application of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies in the Diario de Sevilla, a Joly Group cybermedia, with a tradition on paper and that, as of May 2018, created a specific web positioning department that would be its pilot project for the gradual transformation of the rest of its headers.
Methodology. For the development of this research, participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and frequency analysis of terms from the company's internal manual on search engine positioning strategies have been applied.
Conclusions. All this has made it possible to know the perception that professionals in this sector have of SEO, identify the possibilities of its application in news production, and propose a framework for the location of SEO in a digital newspaper.

Keywords: Digital news media, SEO, Search Engine Optimization, Online journalism, website visibility.

Introducción. Se analiza la importancia que dan los profesionales de los medios de comunicación al posicionamiento en buscadores en una redacción periodística y sus diferentes dimensiones. En concreto, se estudia la percepción de los profesionales del sector periodístico tras la reciente aplicación de estrategias de Search Engine Optimization (SEO) en el Diario de Sevilla, cibermedio del Grupo Joly, con tradición en papel y que, a partir de mayo de 2018, creó un departamento específico de posicionamiento web que sería su proyecto piloto para la paulatina transformación del resto de sus cabeceras.
Metodología. Para el desarrollo de esta investigación se ha aplicado la observación participante, las entrevistas semiestructuradas y el análisis de frecuencia de términos del manual interno de la empresa sobre estrategias de posicionamiento en buscadores.
Conclusiones y discusión. Todo ello ha permitido conocer la percepción que tienen del SEO los profesionales de este sector, identificar las posibilidades de su aplicación en la producción de noticia y proponer un marco para la ubicación del SEO en un diario digital.

Palabras clave: Cibermedios, SEO, posicionamiento en buscadores, periodismo online, visibilidad web.

1. Introduction. 2. Theoretical framework. 3. Methodology. 4. Results. 5. Discussion and conclusions. 6. References.

Carlos Lopezosa. Pompeu Fabra University. Spain.
Magdalena Trillo-Domínguez. University of Granada. Spain.
Lluís Codina. Pompeu Fabra University. Spain.
Marga Cabrera Méndez. Polytechnic University of Valencia. Spain.

Received: 10/06/2020.
Accepted: 04/01/2021.
Published: 03/02/2021.

How to cite this article / Standardized reference
Lopezosa, C., Trillo-Domínguez, M., Codina, L. y Cabrera Méndez, M. (2021). SEO in the journalistic company: perceptions and key elements for its adoption in writing. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 79, 27-45.

Traducción realizada por Paula González (Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Venezuela).

This article is the product of the Research project entitled "Interactive narration and digital visibility in interactive documentary and structured journalism", reference RTI2018-095714-B-C21 (MICINN/ERDF), financed by the General Directorate of Research and Management of the National Plan R+D+i, of the Ministry of Science and Innovation.

1. Introduction

Most of the media have digital versions. This has encouraged digital news media to be considered systems with specific qualities and needs, both within the world of journalism and within the digital ecosystem (Díaz-Noci and Salaverría, 2003¸ Rodríguez-Martínez et al, 2010). 
These qualities are compounded by the intrinsic characteristics of each journalistic company, both due to its technical and economic resources (Iglesias-García, 2012), as well as other circumstances, such as the influence of its printed edition or the need for adequate technological training of its journalists (Salaverría et al., 2018¸ Rodríguez-Martínez et al, 2010; Suárez-Sucre, 2017).
In this sense, despite the logical differences between each company, the editors of digital news media need to add to their competence an adequate understanding of the characteristics of the digital ecosystem, in order to be able to apply them to the production of the news (López-García et al. al., 2017; Muerza, 2017).
One of the determining factors of digital media is that search engine positioning or Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is increasingly important in writing work. The reason is that SEO improves the visibility of the news and, therefore, increases the chances of appearing in the preferred places of the search results of Google and Bing, among others (Richmond, 2008; Dick, 2011).
This translates into more traffic, which in turn leads to the acquisition of new readers, an objective that is at the core of any media business model. Therefore, the digital ecosystem has decisively implemented the economic and strategic importance of SEO for the viability of digital news media.
As if that were not enough, besides economic reasons, it can be argued that the union of SEO with good journalism helps the existence of active and informed citizens, which affects the democratic health of a nation. The reason for this relationship is that SEO can help position high-quality and professional journalistic information and thus contribute to press freedom and democracy.
It is in the face of all these circumstances that the motivation for this study was born, focused on the relatively recent implementation process (May 2018) of SEO in the newspaper Diario de Sevilla.
Specifically, for the authors, the opportunity to study this digital news media is justified because it is a headline of printed tradition that, as has been pointed out, has carried out the recent implementation of search engine optimization in its writing. Furthermore, this initial experience has been carried out with the aim of transferring it to the rest of the newspapers that make up the Joly Group. It can therefore be pointed out that in the selection of this case, criteria of opportunity and maximum significance have been applied (Yin, 2014).

Based on the above, the statement of the main objective of this work is as follows:

Besides this objective, the following derived objective was proposed:

The following sections are organized in this way: first, the theoretical framework that has been used is presented, then the methodology, followed by the results, to finish with the discussion and conclusions.

2. Theoretical framework

The presence of the press in the digital ecosystem is on the rise, to the point where, at present, it is very difficult to find paper newspapers that do not have an online version (Salaverría et al., 2018). The current digital news media, with two decades of history both in the Spanish case (Salaverría et al., 2018) and internationally, have had to organize themselves following a communicative situation different from those that affected traditional media in the past, mainly due to the interactivity processes (Cebrián-Herreros, 2009; Rodríguez-Martínez et al., 2012; Caminero and Sánchez-García, 2018) and the constant technological changes that occur on the Internet.
These changes are forcing digital news media to reorient their content and strategies (Rodríguez-Martínez et al. 2010; Díaz-Noci, 2018; García-Avilés et al., 2018) very quickly (Suárez-Sucre, 2017). In turn, this speed is causing some uncertainty for journalists, who feel that they must preserve the fundamental elements and values of journalism, at the same time that they must adequately know the technologies that affect their news on the web (López-García, 2017). Obviously, the integration of writing into the online world has become one of the most important strategies for the media (Muerza, 2017), to this must be added the growing importance of social networks as a new context for improving web visibility, the dynamization of news (Trillo-Domínguez and Ollero, 2018).
In summary, the need for web visibility has made the media have to obtain a good search engine positioning (Carlson, 2007; Norris, 2007; Smyrnaios and Rebillard, 2009; Smyrnaios, 2015) since part of the traffic that digital news media receives comes from users’ searches on platforms such as Google (Norris, 2007; Machill et al., 2008; Giomelakis and Veglis, 2015). 
For this reason, it is essential to carry out SEO strategies in writing (Smyrnaios and Sire, 2014;), understanding SEO as the techniques or procedures applied to websites that help increase the chances of appearing in the main search results (Gonzalo-Penela et al., 2015) and thus have greater visibility and, therefore, more readers. 
As is logical, in their fine detail, SEO techniques or strategies may differ from one media to another (Dick, 2011; Giomelakis and Veglis, 2015a; García-Carretero et al. 2016), mainly because each media has a series of differentiated time, financial, technical, and managerial support resources (Dick, 2011). However, there is no doubt, and this is expressed by various studies, that the convergence between journalistic principles and SEO principles have favored the headlines (Asser, 2012; Lopezosa, Codina, and Pérez-Montoro, 2019). One of the first success stories to support this statement is found on the BBC News web portal, which managed to reach the top positions in search results with an SEO strategy from the second half of 2009. This caused that, from that date until the first half of 2011, visits to the news section of BBC News increased by 57%, and visits as a whole of the entire web increased by 34% (Asser, 2012; Newman and Levy, 2014).
Given the confirmation of the fundamental role of the application of SEO in cybermedia as a part of the media's commitment to its readers (Richmond, 2008; Iglesias-García and Codina, 2016), some recommendations by researchers have been assimilated. Next, the main SEO strategies that experts in this field consider as appropriate within the writing of digital news media are highlighted, taking into account the greater consensus of techniques identified by said authors and which are collected in our bibliographic review.

As has been seen, there are several more or less established recommendations on possible SEO techniques in digital news media. However, to date, no work has been done on the importance journalists give to search engine positioning after the recent application of SEO strategies and taking into account the possible problems that may arise, either due to the lack of knowledge on the part of journalists about search engine optimization, or the journalistic routines of a traditionally paper-based digital news media, etc.
Furthermore, none of the aforementioned studies includes the triangulation of techniques that include, at the same time, participant observation, interviews with professionals involved, and the qualitative analysis of the writing SEO manual as part of their methodology. Under this important premise, the enormous convenience of being able to carry out a study on SEO applied to Diario de Sevilla, which recently began a process of total implementation of SEO strategies in its writing, has been considered.

3. Methodology

To carry out this study, the case study (Yin, 2014) was used first, specifically of the editorial team of the Diario de Sevilla. For an adequate triangulation, a participant observation, a series of semi-structured interviews, and a qualitative analysis of the content of the internal manual on SEO of the Joly Group, a media group to which Diario de Sevilla belongs, have been carried out.
Regarding the case study, it should be noted that the Joly Group has nine newspapers: Diario de Cádiz, Diario de Jerez, Europa Sur, Diario de Sevilla, El Día de Córdoba, Huelva Información, Granada Hoy, Málaga Hoy, and Diario de Almería. Also, as a whole, it has 500,000 readers and a daily sale of 100,000 copies on average. For its part, Diario de Sevilla is the first newspaper of this media group with an average of 70,000 daily readers. Once the case is presented, the work process followed is detailed below.
Next, the design of the participant observation is explained in greater detail, for which Angrosino (2012) and Pons and Monistrol (2017) have been followed; the configuration of the semi-structured interviews, and the steps taken for the content analysis of the Joly Group's internal SEO manual. 
Specifically, to present the participant observation scheme in Table 1, the proposal Pons and Monistrol (2017) has been followed.

Table 1. Strategic elements for the development of participant observation in Diario de Sevilla.

Source: self-made.

Furthermore, to complement the participant observation study, 10 semi-structured interviews (Coller, 2000; Valles, 2002) were carried out with workers from Diario de Sevilla.
Next, Table 2 shows the interview questions and the specific objectives that were to be solved with each one of them.

Table 2. Construction of the questions for the semi-structured interviews with Diario de Sevilla workers.

Source: self-made.

On the other hand, to select the participants of the interviews, the criteria questions (Valles, 2002) were taken into account, where it is asked who has the relevant information, who is more socially and physically accessible, who is willing to inform and cooperate more, and who has a greater communicative fluency to report accurately. In this sense, the following shows the different participants of the semi-structured interviews and their positions within Diario de Sevilla.

Table 3. Interviewed workers from Diario De Sevilla.

Source: self-made.

To analyze the information obtained from the interviews, the Nvivo analysis tool is used. It is software that allows you to structure and categorize ideas, analyze the frequency of words in documents, create word trees, etc. At present, it is considered one of the most used tools to know and correctly analyze the content of interviews and content in general.
Next, the main components and elements of Nvivo are described and it concludes with its adaptation to the interviews carried out.

Table 4. Descriptive table of the main data that can be used for qualitative analysis with Nvivo.

Source: self-made.

For the interpretation of the interview data, the following nodes or codes were generated, which are shown below:

Thanks to these nodes it was possible to unify the statements of the ten interviewees and give reliable and comprehensive answers to the questions asked.
Once our participant observation and interviews concluded, we went on to analyze the content of the SEO manual that all journalists of this media have to apply to their news. To do this, we carry out a semantic network analysis by the repetition of terms, using the NVivo tool. The analyzed manual is created by the SEO of the Joly Group, it explains what SEO is, its importance for news visibility, and includes the main elements that a journalist must optimize and how to optimize. Once this manual was incorporated into NVivo, we performed a word frequency query. This shows us the frequency of use of words within the internal SEO document highlighting the most important strategies described in it.

4. Results

Throughout this research, the main dimensions involved in the implementation of a search engine optimization model in digital news media have been addressed. This has been done from the point of view of both the writer/journalist and the search engine optimization expert.
For this, it has been necessary to first research these elements separately, in order to understand each of the needs of SEO and journalism and then unite them harmoniously so that they act appropriately within a journalistic company. 
In this way, the participant observation allowed us to confirm that, to fully implement writing SEO it is necessary to clearly separate the work of the journalist (editor) and the work of the expert in search engine positioning (in charge of the SEO Department) since their functions and skills are very different. 
As a result, two very significant SEO levels were identified: (1) the strategic level and dependent on the SEO department that globally affects the online media, and (2) the tactical level that falls directly on the writers and that affects the news and journalistic production of the digital news media.
In the following, the two levels of SEO are shown in an enlarged way in the form of a summary table.

Table 5. Table with the SEO levels in digital news media and its functions.

Source: self-made.

Regarding the list of the 16 checkpoints of content SEO by the editors, two things should be noted. First, it is clear that the list could be 14 or 20 points, depending on the way the same components are presented. Second, therefore, it is not that they are 16 or that they are 20, but rather that they are well defined and supported by the maximum available evidence, as it has been attempted to do in this work.
Once the results of the participant observation have been obtained, the main contributions obtained from the semi-structured interviews are described below, all of them focused on knowing the strategic assimilation of both the SEO department and the strategic application of positioning techniques from the different departments of Diario de Sevilla, and the opinion of those involved.

Table 6. Synthesis of results of the 10 semi-structured interviews carried out.

Source: self-made.

Finally, it is confirmed that the internal SEO manual for Joly Group workers is a document that addresses the basic strategies that all news published in the digital edition must comply with. This manual focuses on content SEO, that is, on strategies that refer to the text of the news, with special emphasis on the use of keywords (those for which the digital news media applies so that readers find it on Google) in the headline, the body of the news, the cutline, and in the description of the news images. Bold and italic are also recommended for these keywords. Likewise, it is recommended to use tags and links in the body of the news that point to other related information. Additionally, it is confirmed that the SEO manual must be alive, because the rules and characteristics of search engine positioning change very often and what Google rewards today may not do so soon, however, as it is the first manual of the recent implementation from the SEO department, it is still unknown how often they will review and update it.

5. Discussion and conclusions

As the study carried out in the editorial office of the Diario de Sevilla shows, supported by methodological triangulation that includes participant observation, semi-structured interviews, as well as the content analysis of Joly Group's internal SEO manual, there are optimal possibilities of effectively integrating search engines positioning in a journalistic newsroom with a long tradition on paper. The discussion and conclusions are shown below, and the main and secondary objectives are reviewed for this.
In the first place, the results confirm that to comprehensively implement SEO in writing, it is necessary to clearly separate the work of journalists/editors and that of SEO experts or managers at the level of the entire media. This division has materialized in the SEO Department, the application of SEO by the editors of the media.
The SEO Department has a strategic function of analysis and generation of guidelines for editors. While it is up to the newsroom to apply SEO optimization recommendations without affecting the journalistic quality of the news.
Another way to understand this distribution is the following:
The SEO department: is in charge of the general SEO strategies of the media, analyzes the impact on search engines after applying these strategies, trains the editors, gives them support and is in charge of applying the technical SEO that the portal needs to maintain.
Editors: They must know how search results affect their news and obtain more users, understand the basic operation of search engines, and apply the visibility recommendations prepared by the SEO Department to their news.
This study confirms a clear interest in the optimization of news in search engines by journalists and a clear practical exercise of SEO applied to news, in terms of planning and productive routines. This research also obtains results capable of identifying the most common SEO strategies that can be distributed depending on whether they are for writers or the SEO department. In fact, the functioning of the implementation of SEO strategies stands out in two areas, in the writing of news by journalists and global strategic optimization by the SEO expert. In fact, from the writing and optimization of news, the use of keywords is carried out in the headline, the lead, the text box, the bold words, the cutline, and in the captions, etc., while from the SEO department, there is a more strategic role focused on advising on search engine positioning to all journalists of the newspaper and identifying the search for news trends to obtain more readers.
This research corroborates that, regarding SEO implementation of a newspaper with a great tradition in the print edition, there are possibilities of being able to carry it out effectively. Proof of this is the consistency in the production routines of the main actors involved in this implementation process in this case study: SEO department, the digital edition of Diario de Sevilla, and paper/digital sections.
Although, indeed, the SEO department and the digital publishing team (native digital journalists) have greater knowledge about the Internet and search engine positioning, the more traditional sections, still with a view more conditioned by the paper format, are being able to adapt adequately to the optimization of the news to appear in search engines.
Besides, from the collected data that emerge, the participant observation, the interviews, and the analysis of the SEO manual of Joly Group, it is possible to perfectly know the functioning of the newsroom of the digital news media in the context of web visibility.
This operation is articulated between the SEO department as head of the search engine positioning strategies, the professionals of the digital edition as news editors and main supports for the journalists of the other sections, and the journalists of the different sections that work on the digital version/ printed version as the main news creators of this media.
On the other hand, it has sometimes been pointed out that, although they admit forms of conciliation and, in fact, this is the case in a systematic way, the principles that govern good SEO do not always deviate or do not always coincide with those of journalistic writing. This is something that, prematurely in the BBC (Asser, 2012), was detected and was more or less well solved with the principle of the double headline: the journalistic one, in charge of the h1 tag (in the HTML code) and the SEO one, in charge of the title metadata (also in the HTML code).
The experience of this research confirms that, indeed, the principles of quality of the best journalism can be reconciled with mutual advantage, with the optimization of journalistic production to improve its visibility in the digital ecosystem.
Likewise, it is found that journalists consider that SEO strategies are essential in the writing of a digital news media such as Diario de Sevilla, mainly because many readers search for information through Google and appearing in the first results in search engines allows, not only to compete for the best positions in the search results but to get more web traffic in the form of new users. 
According to the previous contributions, the good knowledge of the SEO mission in a newsroom and its relationship with the visibility function of journalistic production is confirmed. Despite what various authors point out (Suárez-Sucre, 2017; López-García, 2017; Muerza-Ferrer, 2017; Trillo-Domínguez and Ollero, 2018), there is the case of writing where journalistic interests can be unified with the objectives of SEO, at least from the important point of perception of professionals in the journalistic sector.
Finally, it is confirmed that it is feasible to generate a series of SEO recommendations with high transferability to other cases. Specifically, the case reveals that some of the best SEO strategies are framed in the following dimensions:

We would like to conclude this research by remembering that every year new entrepreneurial actions appear in the world of digital news media. These are generally small businesses that need guidance on how to best fit their new media into the digital ecosystem.
Both digital news media professionals and journalism scholars and academics need input based on real case studies. When a specific case like this is analyzed, it cannot be claimed that its generalization is guaranteed, but by presenting it with the level of detail that has been tried to contribute, its full transferability is ensured, that is, both other professionals and other researchers now have elements to decide on its application to similar cases, with specific contributions that have never before been given in the specialized bibliography.

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Carlos Lopezosa
Carlos Lopezosa is an associate professor at the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona. He teaches at the Faculty of Communication, in the Degrees of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication. He is coordinator and professor of the Online Master in Search Engines and SEO/SEM at the Barcelona School of Management (UPF)
He has a Ph.D. in Information Sciences and is a specialist in SEO and monetization systems based on quality content strategies. He is currently part of the DigiDoc Research Group at the Pompeu Fabra University.
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Magdalena Trillo-Domínguez
Magdalena Trillo-Domínguez is the director of Granada Hoy, Deputy Director of Joly Group, and associate professor of Journalistic Communication in the Audiovisual Communication degree and the Master in New interactive media and multimedia journalism, both from the UGR.
With a degree in journalism from the University of Malaga and a Ph.D. in communication from the University of Granada, she has specialized in digital journalism and cultural management from the UOC and is part of the Nar-Trans research group on transmedia narratives and communication, and regularly collaborates in the RTVA's news analysis and debate spaces.
Index H: 4
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Lluís Codina
Lluís Codina is a professor at the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona. He teaches at the Faculty of Communication, in the Degrees of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication. He is the coordinator of the Master's Degree in Social Communication (MUCS) of the Department of Communication.
He is part of the academic staff and also teaches in the Online University Masters in Digital Documentation and Search Engines, of the Institute of Continuing Education. He is a sponsor member of the Research Group on Digital Documentation and Interactive Communication (DigiDoc), and coordinator of its Research Seminar.
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Marga Cabrera Méndez
Marga Cabrera has a Ph.D. in Audiovisual Communication from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and is an associate professor of subjects related to digital communication since 2003, both in undergraduate and graduate degrees. 
She is the director of the master's degree in social media, master CALSI. She is the founder and co-director of the Comunica2 International congress on social networks. She is the coordinator of the Fundéu BBVA book "Writing for the Internet: a guide for new media and social networks". She is the author of the UOC book “Entrepreneurship in journalism, tools for the new online professional”. Editor of the book "Digital Tools for Academic Branding and Self-Promotion".
She is currently immersed in her project "Observatory of new media in Spanish:" funded by the BBVA Foundation, now Leonardo scholarships. Since 2016, she has been a member of the Board of Directors of SembraMedia, a non-profit organization based in Los Angeles (USA) dedicated to promoting entrepreneurship in digital native Spanish-language media.
Index H: 8
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