Main Text
Estudio de los perfiles en TikTok de El Mundo, El País, ac2alityespanol y La Wikly para analizar las oportunidades informativas de esta red social para la audiencia joven
Humberto Martínez-Fresneda. Francisco de Vitoria University. Spain
Laura Zazo Correa.
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Revista Latina de Comunicación Social
Discussion and conclusions:
Introducción: Esta investigación aborda el uso informativo de TikTok, una de las redes sociales que más ha crecido en número de usuarios en 2023. Su fórmula de visualización provoca un consumo rápido y directo lo que supone la viralización de sus contenidos. Esto ha provocado que los medios de comunicación comiencen a trabajar las posibilidades que tiene como soporte informativo. Metodología: En primer lugar, se ha optado por un estudio descriptivo a través de una encuesta con una muestra no probabilística para conocer los hábitos de consumo de los jóvenes. Y, en segundo lugar, se ha llevado a cabo un análisis de contenido de cuatro perfiles de TikTok relacionados directamente con la difusión de noticias: El Mundo, El País, ac2alityespanol y La Wikly. Resultados: El 36% usa esta red para informarse y la mayoría valora que el perfil pertenezca a una persona joven. Asimismo, el 89% afirma que TikTok es un soporte adecuado para transmitir información con una credibilidad media, siendo la brevedad e inmediatez del mensaje las características que mejor definen esta plataforma. Hay que señalar que la mayoría contempla TikTok como una red para el entretenimiento.
Discusión y conclusiones: Un amplio porcentaje de jóvenes usa TikTok para informarse, tanto a través de perfiles de medios nativos como de medios de comunicación tradicionales. Con respecto al contenido, la producción específica es mucho mayor en los medios tradicionales y, en ambos tipos de perfiles, el principal contenido que se aborda es información de carácter internacional.
Palabras clave:
4.1. Content analysis of the TikTok accounts Ac2alityespanol, La Wikly, El País, and El Mundo
For this research, the content published on TikTok during the month of November 2022 by Ac2alityespanol, La Wikly, El País, and El Mundo has been analyzed. The first two accounts will be referred to as native, as they were born on TikTok and are not backed by any media outlet, both managed by young individuals. In contrast, the profiles of El País and El Mundo belong to two traditional media outlets with a presence on almost all social networks.
After analyzing the content published by these four accounts, we can affirm that Ac2alityespanol has a much higher production rate than the other profiles, with a total of 143 posts, compared to 56 from El Mundo, 38 from El País, and 20 from La Wikly. Regarding production, only 58% of the content is self-produced. In La Wikly's case, all of its content is self-produced; for Ac2alityespanol, it's 45%, and for the traditional media outlets, it ranges from 42% for El País to 91% for El Mundo.
In terms of the nature of the content, 95% of the posts are about information, leaving a small margin for pure entertainment, except in the case of El País, where such posts make up 15% of the total. In the case of Ac2alityespanol, it doesn't reach 2%, while El Mundo and La Wikly are around 5%.
Focusing on the thematic content, the majority of the content is related to International topics. For the native media profiles, posts in this category make up 51%. La Wikly has 95% of its content in this category, with the remaining 5% covering Culture. Ac2alityespanol's content distribution includes International at 45%, along with other themes like National (17%), Culture (16%), or Sports (13%). In the case of traditional media profiles, the presence of International content accounts for 25% of their posts, surpassed only by Sports and Culture, both at 27%. The rest of the sections have minimal representation.
All the analyzed posts use audio, with percentages exceeding 93% for native media profiles and almost 98% for traditional ones. It's worth noting that in all of La Wikly's posts, there is always a young person explaining the news, which is another differentiating characteristic of their posts on this social network. They aim not only to inform about a news event but also to explain it so that their users can understand it. This is important because the TikTok community is composed of young people who have distanced themselves from traditional media outlets and may lack the foundation to understand current events. Therefore, these accounts make an effort to provide context and explanations to facilitate comprehension.
The use of subtitles is also prevalent, appearing in 97% of posts from native accounts and 88% in traditional ones. When analyzing the use of hashtags, similar results are found: ac2alityespanol and La Wikly use them in 91% of their content, while El País and El Mundo use them in almost 97%. However, the use of emojis is not as consistent: ac2alityespanol uses them in 45% of its posts, La Wikly in 30%, El País in 31%, but El Mundo only in 2% of its content.
Regarding user responses, it can be observed that native accounts receive significantly more feedback than traditional ones. While ac2alityespanol and La Wikly posts have received over 10,000,000 likes, El Mundo and El País have received just over 2,600,000. In terms of comments, a similar trend is observed, with 97,000 for native accounts and 30,500 for traditional ones. The same pattern is seen in favorites, with 460,000 for native accounts and 122,000 for traditional ones. In terms of themes, the sections generating the most attraction are International for native accounts and Sports for traditional ones, which makes sense as these are the primary topics covered by these profiles.
4.2. Results of the survey
77% of the respondents declare themselves as TikTok users, and 30% spend more than one hour on this platform. Another 28% dedicate between half an hour and one hour to it, meaning that the surveyed young individuals acknowledge that they spend at least 30 minutes on this platform daily. Notably, 20% dedicate more than 2 hours per day to it.
When analyzing the time spent on the platform for staying informed, nearly 50% dedicate between 25% and half of their usage time. 31% dedicate between 25% and 50%, and 15% dedicate half of their usage time. Only 14% say they use it for nothing informative. In any case, in general terms, almost all of the respondents acknowledge that the primary use of this platform is for entertainment (96%) rather than for informative purposes.
Figure 1:
Informational quality of TikTok.
Author's own work.
When asked about the informational quality of TikTok (see Figure 1), it's worth noting that nearly 70% of the respondents recognize it as having either high or moderate informational quality. Close to 40% of them use it for getting informed. In 2023, the majority of the respondents claim that the primary media they used for getting informed before TikTok existed were mainly digital newspapers and television. They also value consuming information through Twitter and Instagram. Furthermore, 83% of them state that the existence of TikTok has not deterred them from using these channels they used regularly.
Figure 2: Informational quality of TikTok.
Author's own work.
Regarding the usage of this platform (see Figure 2), 44% of young people use TikTok for staying informed, while 24% admit to using it to clarify and understand information, and another 24% use it to delve deeper into topics. Likewise, almost 50% use TikTok to check profiles daily, with 32% doing so once a day and 17% between two and three times a day. These profiles are divided almost evenly between native influencer profiles (51%) and profiles of traditional media (49%).
In terms of familiarity with traditional and new media, they are more aware of traditional media (El Mundo, Antena 3 TV, 77%) than native influencers (La Wikly, ac2alityespanol, 22%), and they prefer profiles of young people of similar age (82%) to those of different age groups (18%). It's worth noting that 89% believe that TikTok is a suitable platform for conveying information, and nearly 70% consider this platform a form of media from a journalistic perspective.
Regarding the advantages of TikTok, most young respondents appreciate TikTok for its brevity and immediacy (23%), but they also value other characteristics of the platform, such as the dynamic style of posts (use of gifs, music, and videos, 21%), the visual nature of posts (19%), the informal tone (17%), and the explanatory nature (11%).
In terms of credibility, 85% perceive it as moderate, and 6% consider it high, although the majority (65%) believe that TikTok is not more credible than other platforms. Only 9% consider the credibility to be low. Nevertheless, most (65%) do not view TikTok as more credible than other social media, even though they acknowledge that brevity and immediacy are its most popular features compared to other platforms. They also mention that subjectivity can lead to falsehoods and fake news as limitations.
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Author´s contributions:
Formal Analysis:
Data Curation:
Original Draft Preparation:
Writing, Review, and Editing:
. Project Administration:
All authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript:
Humberto Martínez-Fresneda Osorio
Índice H: 9
Laura Zazo Correa
Índice H: 2
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Main Text
Estudio de los perfiles en TikTok de El Mundo, El País, ac2alityespanol y La Wikly para analizar las oportunidades informativas de esta red social para la audiencia joven
4.1. Content analysis of the TikTok accounts Ac2alityespanol, La Wikly, El País, and El Mundo
4.2. Results of the survey
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