The television archives: strategies to showcase their value in the transmedia age




Transmedia strategies, TV audiovisual archives, British Broadcasting Corporation Archives (BBC, British Broadcasting Corporation Archives (BBC), Institut National de l’audiovisuel (INA), Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, RTVE Archive


This article analyses the different transmedia strategies that European television archives can potentially use to showcase and promote their collections. Methods: The study is based on the case study of four European television archives that follow different models of conservation and access: The British Broadcasting Corporation Archives (BBC, United Kingdom), the Institut National de l’audiovisuel (France), the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (Netherlands) and the RTVE Archive (Spain). Information was collected from the websites and Twitter accounts of these archives and subsequently analysed using three evaluation categories: Expanded Access, Repackaged Content and Ancillary Content. Results: It was concluded that the most frequent strategies were those related to expanded access, particularly with a contextual purpose: commemorations, anniversaries and to illustrate recent events with images from the past. Discussion: Many transmedia strategies are not being implemented by some of the selected television archives. Conclusions: Unlike other cultural heritage institutions that use transmedia strategies to showcase their collections, television archives are in a premature stage in relation to the reuse of this kind of content.


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Author Biographies

Mercedes Caridad Sebastián, Carlos III University, Madrid

PhD degree in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid (1979). Professor at the Carlos III University of Madrid, School of Humanities, Communication and Library Science, Department of Library and Information Sciences.

Vice-Rector of Outreach at the Carlos III University of Madrid from 1994 to 2007. Current Director of the Department of Library and Information Sciences of the Carlos III University of Madrid. Former Director of the Agustín Millares Institute of documentation and information management. Director of the master’s degree programme in Audiovisual documentation.

Author of several books and numerous articles in prestigious national and international journals. Participant in numerous conferences with papers and communications, as part of the research group ACROPOLIS (Content Analysis of Resources for Information Management and Policies for the Knowledge Society). Director of numerous PhD theses that endorse her academic career. Former advisor of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain (ANECA), since its creation.

Ana María Morales García, Carlos III University

Ana María Morales García holds a PhD in Information Sciences and a master’s degree in Information (Carlos III University of Madrid).

Former Vice-Dean of the Colmenarejo Campus, Vice-Dean of Blended Studies and Digital Strategy and Deputy Director of the Agustin Millares Institute. Vice-Dean of the bachelor’s degree in Information and Documentation and Digital strategy since 2017. Member of the ACROPOLIS research group (Content Analysis of Resources for Information Management and Policies for the Knowledge Society).

Specialist in technical scientific information in IDICT from 1985 to 1994. Documentary filmmaker in Madrid’s Servicios de Información Centralizados and Compact Software International from 1994 to 1997.

Professor at the Carlos III University of Madrid since 1997.

Author of articles published in high-impact national and international journals and author and co-author of several books. Participant in national and international research projects funded by the European Social Fund, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of Spain, Community of Madrid and the Valencian Community.

Sara Martínez Cardama, Carlos III University

Sara Martínez Cardama holds a PhD with international mention and honours from the Carlos III University, a master’s degree in Information Research from the Carlos III University of Madrid (2009-2011, award for most outstanding graduate), a bachelor’s degree in Information Sciences from the University of A Coruña (national award).

Winner of an FPU fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education (Training Program for University Teachers). Assistant Professor at the Department of Library and Information Sciences of the Carlos III University, where she also works as registrar. Professor at the undergraduate and graduate study programmes of the Carlos III University and specialisation courses. Member of the ACROPOLIS research group.

Author of book chapters and articles published in high-impact national and international journals indexed in the JCR, Scopus, MIAR and Latindex. Former member of the organising and scientific committees of various national and international events. Visiting researcher in renowned international centres such as the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology, the University of North Carolina (at Greensboro) and the University of Coimbra.

Fátima García López, Carlos III University

Fatima García López holds a PhD degree from the Carlos III University of Madrid and a bachelor’s degree in Hispanic Philology from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Professor at the Department of Library and Information Science of the Carlos III University of Madrid since 1998.

Member of the ACROPOLIS research group (Content Analysis of Resources for Information Management and Policies for the Knowledge Society).

Author of articles published in national and international journals, and author and co-author of books and book chapters. Speaker and lecturer in different Latin American countries.

Member of managing committee of master’s degree programme in Libraries and Documentary Heritage of the Carlos III University of Madrid. Registrar at the Agustín Millares Institute of documentation and information management (UC3M). Assistant to the Deputy Deanship for Blended Studies of the School of Humanities, Communication and Library Science.


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How to Cite

Sebastián, M. C., Morales García, A. M., Martínez Cardama, S. ., & García López, F. (2018). The television archives: strategies to showcase their value in the transmedia age. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (73), 870–894.


