Exploring Neurocommunicative Confluence: Analysis of the Interdependence Between Personality Traits and Information Consumption Patterns in the Detection of Fake News. A Study with University Students of Journalism and Communication Using Enneagrams.





disinformation, Eneatipo, students, journalism, fake news


Introduction: The phenomenon of misinformation has generated increasing interest in various areas, including society, the media, and regulatory actions by entities such as the European Union. Fake news, also known as fake news, are transforming the media landscape, generating distrust in key communication actors. This study focuses on determining the ability of university students in journalism and communication to detect misinformation on social media, specifically in tweets related to digital press. Methodology: Objectives were established to analyze the detection capacity of misinformation in relation to different enneatypes and to evaluate the competencies of identifying fake news related to specific topics. A neurocommunicative approach was used to explore connections between personality traits and information consumption. The sample consisted of university students in journalism and communication. Results: The study revealed that profiles 4 and 5 showed greater difficulty in detecting misinformation, while Achievers and Peacekeepers were more likely to identify it. Although the average accuracy rate was 59%, deficiencies in detection were observed in the Individualist and Investigator enneatypes. A direct relationship between enneatypes and correct responses was found, highlighting specific profiles in topics such as immigration, politics, health/Covid-19, and the Ukraine conflict. Achievers and Challengers showed greater willingness to fact-check information on health and armed conflicts. Discussion and Conclusions: The findings suggest that personality can influence the ability to detect misinformation, with some enneatypes showing greater susceptibility than others. These results have important implications for education in communication and journalism, highlighting the need to foster critical skills in students to address the phenomenon of misinformation in the digital environment.


This study aims to determine the ability of university students in journalism and communication programs to detect misinformation on social networks, specifically through tweets linked to digital press or containing links to such news, to observe how their enneatype affects their ability to identify this informational contamination. To achieve this, the following objectives are established: to analyze the general disposition for detecting misinformation in relation to the different existing enneatypes, and to evaluate the identification competencies of misinformation related to the main topics where a higher number of fake news is observed, along with the differences that enneatypes have in detecting them.

This work seeks to establish connections, from a neurocommunicative perspective, between human behavior at the level of personality traits and tendencies, and information consumption. It delves into the process of detecting fake news based on the different enneagrams of a sample composed of university students in journalism and communication.


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Author Biographies

José Jesús Vargas Delgado, European University of Madrid

European University of Madrid.

Professor of Advertising and Transpersonal Communication at the European University (2022). Six-year research period granted by ANECA (2020).  Accredited as Full Professor by ANECA (2023). PhD accredited in Persuasive Communication (2012). Director of the Degree in Advertising (2021-2022). Director of the Master's Degree in Marketing and Communication of the European University (2016). Dean of the European University of the Canary Islands (UEC) (2012-2014). Director of the Department of Advertising and Content at the European University (2002-2012). With 25 years of undergraduate and graduate teaching experience, he has taught multiple subjects linked to the areas: Creativity, Verbal and Nonverbal Communication, Public Speaking, Persuasive Communication, Transpersonal Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Strategy, Leadership, Management Skills, Mindfulness, Workplace Wellness and Healthy Organizations. He has made multiple external collaborations as an expert guest lecturer with many institutions. He has published more than 90 scientific publications. He has participated in more than 75 national and international scientific congresses. He has directed 6 defended doctoral theses. Mindfulness Consultant at Onelife Clinic (2017-2022).


Índice H: 8

Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4109-611X

Scopus ID:  https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57192433143

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=E8VTKlwAAAAJ&hl=es

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vargas-Delgado

Academia.edu: https://independent.academia.edu/josedejesusvargas


Ignacio Vargas Delgado, European University of Madrid

European University of Madrid.

Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the European University. PhD accredited in Communication in all profiles. MBA in Business Management and MU in Digital Journalism. Six-year research period of ANECA. He has been Vice-Dean of Postgraduate Studies, Director of the Communication Area for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies, and Director of Postgraduate Development at the UEM. Two decades of undergraduate and graduate teaching experience, professionally he has scripted, directed or presented TV programs for Telemadrid, Antena 3TV and laOtra. In film, he has written and directed three feature documentaries for which he has received national and international recognition. He is a member of the Academia Cine in Spain and his research interests are in the fields of Communication, Educommunication and Neurocommunication.


Índice H: 9

Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2923-819X

Scopus ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId= 56041889000

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.es/citations?hl=es&user=51HeuZIAAAAJ

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ignacio-Rodriguez-18

Academia.edu: https://independent.academia.edu/IgnacioSacalugaRodr%C3%ADguez

Javier, European University of Madrid

European University of Madrid

PhD in Communication. Researcher in the television field, both in format innovation, television programming and political communication on television. Professor at the European University of Madrid since 2009, he has directed the Master in Motion Graphics Canal +, and currently directs the Master in Creation and Management of Audiovisual Content Mediaset Spain. Researcher in the Mediaflows Group at the University of Valencia, he participates in a research project at the Complutense University of Madrid and researcher in the Suade Group at the European University. In addition, given his professional experience in national and international television channels, he is a member of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences of Spain.


Índice H: 3

Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5571-9835

Scopus ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57206779844

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=NxK6tuwAAAAJ

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Javier-Perez-Sanchez

Academia.edu: https://uem.academia.edu/JavierP%C3%A9rezS%C3%A1nchez


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How to Cite

Vargas Delgado, José Jesús, Ignacio Vargas Delgado, and Javier Pérez Sánchez. 2024. “ A Study with University Students of Journalism and Communication Using Enneagrams”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 82 (May):1-16. https://doi.org/10.4185/rlcs-2024-2281.


