Evolution of Advertising Communication in the Pre-war Period: Analysis of Federico Ribas’ Advertising Portfolio for the Gal Fragrance House (1916-1936)


  • Eva Quintas-Froure Columbia University




Federico Ribas, Gal Fragance House, Heno de Pravia, advertising communication, Pre-war period


This article contains a study of 1,436 pieces of printed advertising which were illustrated by Federico Ribas Montenegro for the Gal Fragrance House between 1916 and 1936. Through the use of a double-level analysis –technical and figurative– some interesting findings concerning the narrative and iconography of the catalogued adverts were obtained. By studying the discourse of the advertisements for a company who changed the history of advertising in Spain, one can see evidence of sociocultural changes as well as how advertising evolved from being an artisanal craft into a more technical and systematic industry as a result of the application of scientific principles.


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Author Biography

Eva Quintas-Froure, Columbia University

Is a Doctor in Advertising and Public Relations and holds a degree in Audiovisual communication from Vigo University, Spain. Her doctoral thesis "Federico Ribas Montenegro: graphic, publishing and isingworks. Analysis and Documental Cataloging (1916 - 1936)" was awarded the prize for research in social sciences by the Regional Council of Pontevedra (Spain).

Thanks to a grant from the Fundación Barrié de la Maza, she graduated with honors, Master of Fine Arts in Film at Columbia University (New York), where she also worked as a teacher assistant and grader.


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How to Cite

Quintas-Froure, E. . (2012). Evolution of Advertising Communication in the Pre-war Period: Analysis of Federico Ribas’ Advertising Portfolio for the Gal Fragrance House (1916-1936). Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (67), 439–469. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2012-963


