A methodological proposal for the analysis of participation mechanisms in online media





web 2.0, technologies, online media, audience participation, user-generated content


This paper compiles the results from an analysis of participation mechanisms, specially those based in web 2.0 technologies and applications, over a sample of fourteen relevant spanish media, even dailies as radio and television webs. Such analysis has been performed in October and November 2010 in the frame of the research subproject La evolución de los cibermedios en el marco de la convergencia digital. Tecnología y distribución. Once a taxonomy of different participation mechanisms is made, distinguishing between those which are inside of their informative sections and those which configure independent spaces, we also study the form they are managed by the media in function of the role they are assigned. We try as well to compare different cibermedia and to show examples and trends in the field of the user participation.


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Author Biographies

María Sánchez González, University of Málaga

Ph.D. in Journalism by the University of Malaga. Her doctoral thesis, Cibermedios de acceso abierto con información confidencial en España (2007) (Open-access online media with confidential information in Spain (2007)), is pioneer in the analysis of the features, functions, and use values of the new online modes of communication in comparison to conventional tools, in relation to journalistic communication

As technician in the Area of Innovation of the International University of Andalusia (2007--) she develops her professional work in the field of Educational Innovation, where she coordinates and manages the work of teachers in programmes conducted in virtual learning-teaching environments and with social web tools, and also coordinates teacher training initiatives and other proposals and actions in the field of ICTs applied to education and communication. At the University of Andalusia she is also a member of the Commission responsible for the management of innovation and of the coordination team of Online Practices and Cultures Programme.

Simultaneously, since 2009 she is associate professor of Journalism at the University of Malaga, and teaches different subjects related to the use of ICT and Internet in the journalistic field (like Technology of Journalism and Digital Editing, in the B.A. programme in Journalism and Technology of Print Media).

In recent years she has published her research and has become part of various academic research projects on online-journalism, multimedia convergence, and new forms of communication and citizenship through the so-called Web 2.0. Currently, she is a researcher in the national project “La evolución de los cibermedios en el marco de la convergencia digital” (The evolution of the online media in the context of digital convergence) (2009 --), which is financed by Spain’s Ministry of Science and Technology (code CS02009-13713-C05-02). She is also a member of the research group SEJ 391 “Nuevos espacios de comunicación” (New communication spaces) of the Junta de Andalucía (1998-).

Jaime Alonso, University of Murcia

Jaime Alonso is full professor of Journalism. He obtained a B.A. degree in Journalism in 1995 and defended his doctoral thesis in 2004. He currently teaches Information Technology and Communication Techniques at the School of Communication and Documentation of the University of Murcia.

Since the year 2000, his research has focused on exploratory and descriptive work on the so-called new media, as well as on other forms of communication that have emerged on the Internet. Currently, his work focuses on the study of the application of technology in the online media, and specifically on the phenomenon of participation (analysis of the involvement and use of Web 2.0 technologies in media production).

At present, he is also part of the national project “La evolución de los cibermedios en el marco de la convergencia digital” (The evolution of the online media in the context of digital convergence) (2009-2012), which is funded by Spain’s Ministry of Science and Technology (code CS02009-13713-C05-02).


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How to Cite

Sánchez González, M., & Alonso, J. (2012). A methodological proposal for the analysis of participation mechanisms in online media. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (67), 148–178. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-067-951-148-178


