The household adaptation to the digital terrestrial television in its first phase of implementation in Spain




Digital transition, digital terrestrial television, policies, receivers market, consumers, users


For the European Union the key players in the digital transition are the citizens, the market and the local authorities. The complexity of this process does not allow the existence of a unique model to implement the digital transition, which in many cases is limited by local conditions. Based on this hypothesis, this article aims to identify the national, regional and local policies in support of the implementation of DTT; to examine the market conditions of television, DTT receivers, and infrastructure installation services; and to describe the digital transition process in households belonging to a Spanish area where the first phase of DTT transition has been completed. This study involves three methodologies: the examination of official documents in relation to DTT; interviews to a sample of commercial establishments; and a probabilistic survey questionnaire applied to a sample of the population from the area of Ricote’s Transition Project.


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Author Biographies

Isabel Sarabia-Andúgar, San Antonio de Murcia Catholic University

Isabel Sarabia-Andúgar holds an M.A. in Audiovisual production and a Ph.D. in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid, where she defended her doctoral thesis (“Television of proximity in the region of Murcia. 1979-2003”) in June 2004. Since 1997 she teaches Communication Policy and Audiovisual industry at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the Catholic University of Murcia. Since 2004 she participates in the interuniversity programme entitled “New information technologies” of the University of Malaga and the Catholic University of Murcia, where she teaches “Digital radio and television”. She is currently the Vice-Dean of Audiovisual Communication at the UCAM.

Her main line of research is the introduction of DTT in local scenarios, which she develops as a member of the UCAM’s research group on Digital Audiovisual Communication (DIGITALAC).

She has co-directed the R&D research project entitled “TDTask”, which is part of the Master Plan for the Development of High Technology of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia. In addition, she is the main investigator of the ongoing project entitled “Creación de una plataforma de usuarios reales de TDT en la Región de Murcia” (Creation of a platform of real users of DTT in the Region of Murcia), which is part of the Plan Avanza and the Autonomous Community of Murcia’s Digital Citizenship Programme.

She has also been the main researcher in the research project entitled Estudio de conocimiento, percepción y penetración de la TDT en la Región de Murcia (Study of knowledge, perception and penetration of DTT in the region of Murcia), in its 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 editions, which were developed for the General Secretariat of Audiovisual Communication of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia. In addition, she has also directed the study entitled “Apagón analógico en el Proyecto de transición de Ricote (2008): Perspectivas de adaptación” (Analogue blackout in Ricote’s Transition Project (2008): Perspectives of adaptation), and is responsible for the ongoing project “Efectos de la adaptación a la TDT en el proyecto de Ricote 2009”(Effects of the adaptation to TDT in Ricote’s 2009 project), which is funded by the Ministry of Health and Consumption of the Autonomous Community of Murcia.

She is part of the research project “Impacto de Internet en la redefinición de servicio público de las televisiones públicas autonómicas españolas” (Impact of Internet on the redefinition of public service of the Spanish regional public television channels), which is funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology within the subvention programme for research projects within the national programme of fundamental research of the national plan I+D+i 2008-2011.

She has been part of the organising committee of the UCAM International Forum on Digital Terrestrial Television from 2005 to 2009, and of the first and second Workshop of the Multi-platform Audiovisual Industry (2010-2011), which took place in Murcia as part of the Conferences on Information Society, which were organised by the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia.

She has participated in various scientific forums including: I Congreso Latina de ComunicaciónAEIC (of which she is member), AIERIUlepiccComlocAIJICForo Internacional de TDT, and Alcázar Digital. Between 2005 and 2009 she has undertaken research stays in the Institute of Communication of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and Erasmus stays in Siena (Italy), Amiens (France), Turku (Finland) and Wroclaw (Poland), where she has taught seminars related to DTT.

Josefina Sánchez-Martínez, San Antonio de Murcia Catholic University

Josefina Sánchez-Martínez holds a Ph.D. degree in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. Since 1998 she is the Professor responsible for the course Audiovisual Narrative at the Faculty of Communication of the San Antonio de Murcia Catholic University, and the doctoral course “European policies on audiovisual communication and the information society” at the same University.

Her research has focused on the study of the relationship between culture and communication from various points of view: regional policy on audiovisual communication, economy of culture (cultural industries) and textual analysis. She has participated in numerous national and international scientific conferences, including: I Congreso Latina de Comunicación, La Laguna, 2009; AE-IC, Santiago de Compostela, 2008; ComLoc, Castellón, 2007; Conférence Internationale, Paris, UNESCO-AIERI, 2007; Congreso en Comunicación Política, Ciclos Complutense, Madrid, 2007; Ibercom. Sevilla, 2006; Wapor Regional Conference, Pamplona, 2004; VII Congreso de la Asociación de Historiadores de la Comunicación, Barcelona, 2004; II Congreso de Comunicación Local, Castellón, 2002; II Coloquio Brasil–Estado Español de Ciencias da Comunicación, Santiago de Compostela, 1998; and the II Workshop de Investigadores Audiovisuales, Salamanca, 1998.

She is the director of the research group on Digital Audiovisual Communication (DIGITALAC), which is currently developing the following R&D projects: “TDTASK: TDT Administration Services Key”, which is funded by the General Directorate for Innovation Technology and Information Society of the Autonomous Community of the Región of Murcia; and “La creación de una plataforma de usuarios reales de TDT en la Región de Murcia” (Creation of a platform of real users of DTT in the Region of Murcia), which is funded by the Plan Avanza of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce and the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia.

In recent years she has participated in the following R&D projects funded by the General Directorate for Telecommunications and Information Society of the Autonomous Community of the Región of Murcia: Estudio de conocimiento, percepción y penetración de la TDT en la Región de Murcia (Study of knowledge, perception and penetration of DTT in the region of Murcia), in its 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 editions; “Apagón analógico en el Proyecto de transición de Ricote (2008): Perspectivas de adaptación” (Analogue blackout in Ricote’s Transition Project (2008): Perspectives of adaptation); and “Efectos de la adaptación a la Televisión Digital Terrestre: Ricote 2009” (Effects of the adaptation to DTT: Ricote 2009).

She is part of the research project entitled “Impacto de Internet en la redefinición de servicio público de las televisiones públicas autonómicas españolas” (Impact of Internet on the redefinition of public service of the Spanish regional public television channels), which is funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology within the subvention programme for research projects within the national programme of fundamental research of the national plan I+D+i 2008-2011.

Her works and publications include the PhD thesis entitled “Audiovisual y Sociedad de la Información en las regiones: Castilla – La Mancha 1991 – 2001 (Audiovisual media and the information society in the regions: Castilla - La Mancha 1991-2001); and the following articles:

- 2007: “Estrategias de implantación de los grupos de comunicación en el sector de la TDT de proximidad: el caso de la Región de Murcia” (Strategies for the implementation of media groups in the DTT of proximity: the case of the Región of Murcia).
- 2007: “El papel de los medios de comunicación regionales en la formación de la imagen política: análisis de la cobertura informativa de la campaña electoral de 2003 en la Región de Murcia y su percepción pública” (The role of the regional media in the formation of the political image: analysis of the news coverage of the election campaign of 2003 in the Región of Murcia and its public perception).
- 2004: “La influencia de la televisión local en el desarrollo de las regiones: el caso de Castilla–La Mancha” (The influence of local television in the development of the regions: the case of Castilla-La Mancha).
- 1998: “Audiovisual y espacios de comunicación: regiones en España. Castilla – La Mancha, un espacio comunicativo minoritario” (Audiovisual media and communication spaces: regions in Spain. Castilla-La Mancha, a minority communicative space).
- 1998: “Las implicaciones de la sociedad de la información en la Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla – La Mancha. Hacia un desarrollo sostenido de la política de comunicación comunitaria” (The implications of the information society in the Autonomous Community of Castile-La Mancha. Towards a sustainable development of the regional communication policy).
- 1997: “Audiovisual y espacios de comunicación” (1997) (Audiovisual media and communication spaces).

Since 2005 she has been part of the organising committee of the UCAM International Forum on Digital Terrestrial Television, in which experts on the new technologies applied to television have participated in its five editions. In 2010 and 2011 she has been part of the organising team of the Workshop of the Multi-platform Audiovisual Industry, which took place in Murcia as part of the annual forum on the Information Society of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia.

She is Deputy Director of the area of Audiovisual Communication at the Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences of the San Antonio de Murcia Catholic University.


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How to Cite

Sarabia-Andúgar, I. ., & Sánchez-Martínez, J. (2012). The household adaptation to the digital terrestrial television in its first phase of implementation in Spain. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (67), 68–98.


