The pseudo-political discourse of the second screen. #ElDebateEnRTVE seen through its prosumers




Spanish general election; April 28th; electoral debate; Twitter; pragmatic discourse analysis; pseudo-politics


Introduction: Our object of analysis is the conversation held on Twitter in one of the election debates in the campaign in the Spanish General Elections of April 28th, 2019; precisely, the one that took place on April 22 on the public broadcasting corporation Radiotelevisión Española among the leaders of the four main political parties: the ruling Socialists, the conservative People’s Party (PP), the centre-right Ciudadanos and the left-wing Unidas-Podemos. Methodology: The methodology used in the work is the Pragmatic Discourse Analysis, and quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques are used. The data was coded and analyzed with Atlas.ti software. For the analysis, a total of 1000 tweets were randomly selected from among the most popular Twitter debate hashtags: #ElDebateEnRTVE and #ELDEBATEenRTVE. Results: The results indicate that the four parties participated in the second screen conversation generated on Twitter. The parties mostly preferred to praise their candidate, instead of attacking others that was the sample results. On the other part was Ciudadanos, who decided to the attack the PSOE and only afterwards to praise their candidate. Debate and Conclusions: As for the issues discussed by audiences, they were not exactly political but pseudo-political. The memes, ironic messages and jokes were not especially prominent in this transmedia debate.


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Author Biography

Paz Villar-Hernández, University of Valencia

Paz Villar-Hernández has a Ph.D. from the University of Valencia, a Degree in Journalism (Information Sciences) from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, and a Master in Education and ICT (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya). She currently works as a technician at the Servei de Formació Permanent i Innovació Educativa of the University of Valencia. Among her research interests are political discourse, audiovisual communication, media, scientific publishing, and Higher Education. She is editor of the scientific journal, Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives (REALIA): https// and is part of the Editorial Committees of the Journal of New Approaches of Educational Research (NAER) and RELIEVE (Electronic Magazine of Research and Educational Evaluation) among others. She has worked at Duke University (United States) and has made stays at Northampton University and K.U. Leuven She has participated in the PRODISNET 01 and PRODISNET 02 research projects.


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How to Cite

Villar-Hernández, P. . (2020). The pseudo-political discourse of the second screen. #ElDebateEnRTVE seen through its prosumers. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (76), 121–141.


