Medicine and health information in Galician daily press. The health news in the main Galician newspapers




Daily Press, Medicine, Health Journalism, Medical Information, Health, Specialized Journalism, Analysis Content, Public Health, Information Production, Information Coverage, Sources of information


The aim of this paper is to study the health and medicine information published during a week in the four newspapers more spreaded in Galicia. The journalism has the responsibility of informing about health with quality criterions, instead of considering health a superficial, anecdotic and secondary subject. The appearance of the specific sections and the incorporation of the journalists specialized in health to the editorial staffs of the Spanish main generalist newspapers are beginning a process in depth in this way. But what is happening with the press of the autonomous regions? Which is the informative processing of medicine and health information in Galician daily press?, we asked. Descriptive, quantitative and content analysis will make possible to think about the information coverage of this kind of facts for making a diagnostic of the situation and for proposing its necessary improvement.


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Author Biography

Carmen Costa Sánchez, Santiago de Compostela University

Degree in Journalism and Audiovisual Communication from the University of Santiago de Compostela.

She has a diploma in Advanced Studies (DEA) and a researcher hired in the thesis stage at the Department of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC).

Her reference work areas are Organizational Communication, Medical Communication and Crisis Communication.

Coordinator of the USC Continuing Training Course: Communication Offices. Information in crisis situations, which will celebrate its fourth edition this year.

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How to Cite

Costa Sánchez, Carmen. 2008. “Medicine and health information in Galician daily press. The health news in the main Galician newspapers”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 63 (January):15-22.


