Crossing borders, a case of talent from the scarcity: a communication experience with a child 'Gifted' (gifted and talented




children, gifted, talend, communication experience


Junior (*) has just finished his presentation pamphlet for the School Science Fair, he passed it on his uncle's computer, because at his house there is not one of his own, and he is printing it. It is a simple, black and white brochure, as his family makes a great effort to buy the white paper with which they print. Junior takes out his box of colored pencils (the ones the teacher gave him for getting a hundred in past exams) and carefully colors some parts of the brochure, "to make it look attractive, I want to win," he says to his mother. His scientific project is ambitious, he has called it “Electri-mon”, a very childish name that refers to the stage of his socio-emotional development. However, when reading the objective, placed on the first page of the pamphlet, we realize something unique. It says "check how natural substances combined with pure metals generate electrical energy", under the theme "natural elements that produce electrical energy." As you color and fold the sheets to create the illusion of a pamphlet, think about the importance of protecting the environment, and finding a natural substance that serves as an electrolyte to react metal and produce electricity, without having to use the conventional batteries that produce pollution. This would seem like a normalscience project, until we realize that Junior was just seven years old, and this project is significantly ahead of the projects of other children his age.

Because today this is the reality of some of our children, it is that in the next pages, we are going to intertwine a real case study of a communicational experience about a gifted child (Gifted and Talented), contrasting it with the recognized theory worldwide about talented children, in an effort to learn from experience to elicit a set of feelings, ideas, customs, words, where the abundance of messages that awaken the latent needs or convictions in this type of children .

In psychological terminology, these messages designate the conditioning of a set of communication techniques that allow us to artificially adopt, and without the receiving subject realizing, more or less complex models of behavior or thought, which allow to support much more the hidden expectations that we had in this case; We will seek, more than a theoretical contribution, a practical application, that a brilliant mind is not necessarily capable of communicating its exceptional capacities, discovering that talent and poverty are not mutually exclusive factors.


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How to Cite

Morales Ramírez, M. E., & Salas Guzmán, N. . (2005). Crossing borders, a case of talent from the scarcity: a communication experience with a child ’Gifted’ (gifted and talented . Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (60), 122–134.


