A communicational and psychological perspective of constructivist social action


  • Ronald Pitti Latin University of Costa Rica




individuals, overcrowding, constructivist, psychology


For social action to occur, an indispensable element must appear on the scene: the human being involved, interested in solving situations and problems that affect their condition as such for a significant scope of their personal and social achievements.

By taking psychology as an object of study specific individuals, it is faced with subjects with a basically individual vision of the world and that in order to get involved in the context of social action, they must group, organize and relate in various social strata playing various roles that They can be active, conscious and creative, or at least they appear to be. This interaction involves processes of consciousness, feelings and communicative action.


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How to Cite

Pitti, R. (2003). A communicational and psychological perspective of constructivist social action . Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (58), 16–18. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2003/04


