The journalistic profession before the interests of the information structure. An approach to the subject




Journalist, Profession, Origins, Problems, Power, Policy


This article analyses journalistic profession in Spain relating the study of its origins, nowdays problems as union and its situation inside the informative structure. The present study try to invite the information professionals to meditate on difficulties and pressures in media. From this premise, it could be possible to extract a self-criticism and solutions that made journalists return to their authentic function in society.


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Author Biography

Aurora Labio Bernal, University of Sevilla

Professor of Information Structure in the Faculty of Communication at the University of Seville. With a PhD in Journalism, her early work focused on the study of local media and groups, later moving on to global issues. Her doctoral thesis focused on the Joly group and its main masthead, research which was published in 2000 under the title Diario de Cádiz. Historia y Estructura Informativa (1867-1898). Subsequently, his analyses have focused on the national and international structure, which has led him to write Medios de comunicación, periodismo y control informativo.

He has also written articles and papers focusing on the structural interests of media companies and their influence on messages and journalistic work. Some of these works, published in international journals and co-authored books, include Medios de comunicación y control informativo. A case of censorship at CBS, Journalism and Human Rights. Journalism and Human Rights: Reporting the Violation of the Geneva Conventions in the Iraq War and Alternative Communication in the United States: Project Censored, the discovery of 'no news', among others.

Visiting professor at the University of Chihuahua (Mexico) and Havana (Cuba), she has also worked as a journalist in different media such as Canal Sur, Onda Cero and Diario de Cádiz.


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Martínez Romero, J. R. (2000): “Los mass media: ¿un poder sin contrapoder?, en AA.VV.: Periodistas, hoy, Federación Andaluza de Asociaciones de Prensa, Sevilla, p. 40.

Téllez, J. J. : “Mecanismos de intervención del poder sobre los periodistas”, AA.VV.: en Periodistas... Op. Cit. , p. 21.

El País, martes, 20 de febrero de 2001, p. 61.

Santos, F. (1995): Periodistas, Ediciones Temas de Hoy, Madrid, pp. 213-214.

La Vanguardia (22 de febrero de 1998): “Resumen de la conspiración”,, p. 2.

Santos, F. (1995): Periodistas, Ediciones Temas de Hoy, Colección España Hoy, Madrid, p. 265.



How to Cite

Labio Bernal, A. (2002). The journalistic profession before the interests of the information structure. An approach to the subject . Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (57), 50–57.


