News and publicity in the beginnings of tourism in the Canary Islands: the "Diario de Tenerife" of 1887


  • Enrique Estévez Monzó University of La Laguna, Tenerife



tourism in the Canary Islands, historical period, tourist phenomenon, lodging


Scientific studies and analysis on the beginnings of the tourist phenomenon on the island of Tenerife are not very abundant. Its treatment, from the point of view of the incidence in periodical publications, generally appears in research as an accessory and anecdotal mention.

It can be said that it has not been seriously approached as a matter worthy of examination and investigation from the perspective of the facts that appear published in the media of the time, which is why, among many others, it deserves to be formally done from a eminently journalistic.

The general objectives are the investigation of the tourism phenomenon in its beginnings on the island of Tenerife, mainly through its reflection in the press of the time, to interpret its impact on the social media, the economy and island development.

To know the advantages of its geographical location, freedom of movement and free trade, which together with its magnificent natural and climatological resources, invite both leisure tourism and health recovery.

As specific objectives, to verify and analyze the contents in the newspaper of this moment of increasing importance, both in extension and surface and in frequency of the appearance of news, chronicles and reports related to tourism, the arrival of tourists, their quantification and origin.

The maritime traffic that is generated to cover this demand, the rental of long-term homes by foreigners, tourist advertising as a novelty in the demand for goods and services, the creation of the first hotel establishments. New phenomena in that historical moment that are faithfully reflected in the existing media, in the archives and documents of the time.


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How to Cite

Estévez Monzó, Enrique. 2002. “News and publicity in the beginnings of tourism in the Canary Islands: the ‘Diario de Tenerife’ of 1887”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 57 (January):58-65.


