Genres for persuasion in the press: opinion articles from the newspaper El País




Journalistic genres, Opinon, Journalism history, Opinion research


In the present writting, we start from the consideration about the journalistic genres as discourses from which the journalistic investigation has gone configurating the different messages.

The journalistic genres are the result of a slow historical evolution connected with the evolution of the same concept that is understood as journalism. But along the journalism’s history every one of the genres hasn’t interested as well as at present.

On the other hand, the article is a journalistic genre that explain the happenings of a determinate community and their importance stands out inside the historical moment, at one time that the possible economic, social and political consequences that can derive.

It is written with the intention to create opinion in the public, it is explained him and it is judjet him the more outstanding that it happens, but the institution isn’t who manifiest oneself as in the editorial, but the journalistic is who interpret the events expressing his point of view, and he can besides ask for a determinate behaviour from the public.

Therefore, this perspective is the more interesting for us and exactly the article, so then we begin looking for a starting-point which after allow analize us the genre that concern us in the journal El País.


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Martinez Albertos, J. L. (1992): “Periodismo. Géneros”, en obra colectiva Gran Enciclopedia Rialp, Madrid, 1974, Tomo XVIII. Vid también Curso General de redacción Periodística. Paraninfo. Madrid.

Dovifat llama al estilo editorializante, estilo de solicitación de opinión. Según él, son tres las formas de expresión periodística: el estilo informativo, el estilo de solicitación de opinión y el estilo ameno, en DOVIFAT, E.: Periodismo. México, U.T.E.H.A., 1964, Tomo I, pp. 123-138.

Gomis, L. (1986): Proyecto docente y de investigación para el concurso a una plaza de Profesor Titular. Universidad Autónoma, Barcelona. p. 124.

Martin Vivaldi, G. (1981): Géneros periodísticos. Paraninfo, Madrid, (Tercera edición) p. 176.

Committee on modern journalism (1967): Periodismo moderno. México, Letras, (segunda edición), pp. 605-606.

El Pais. (1990): Libro de Estilo. Ed. El País, Madrid.

Leon Gros, T. (1996): El artículo de opinión. Ariel Comunicación, Barcelona.



How to Cite

Moreno Espinosa, Pastora. 2002. “Genres for persuasion in the press: opinion articles from the newspaper El País”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 57 (January):90-98.


