El Escolar and El Faro de Veiga, two school newspapers in the origins of the local Galician press





Galicia, Children's press, Youth press


Although the didactic and moralizing desire is basic in the conception and development of the children's, youth and school press, its growing importance as an instrument for inculturation must also be pointed out, fundamentally in those communities that, having their own language and culture, are they were forced to educate their children in the majority and imposed common language. It is for this reason that, from the middle of the 19th century -when the movements to revitalize the personality and national consciousness of these communities begin to be successful (often through the recovery of their own language for cultural creation and literary) -, the use of the children's and youth press will be taken into account to make the heritage of the country's cultural tradition reach the youngest. Catalonia and, in general, the Catalan language showed a special predilection for these youth channels, a predilection that continues to take place and is present today. In other communities -such as the Galician-, it will be fundamentally the school press that will give rise to the first and very genuine samples of the local press, with entire regions involved in the publication of newspapers that transcend the scope of the school and the natural region itself. . This is the case of the newspapers El Escolar and El Faro de Veiga, published in the first decade of the 20th century in Ortigueira, a municipality in the province of A Coruña with an interesting tradition of sponsoring and maintaining peculiar local press initiatives. Linked to this tradition, and with the economic support of the Galician societies and centers of Havana and Buenos Aires, these school newspapers were able to overcome the dimension of more or less advanced pedagogical experiences to become, within their limits, a document and chronicle of his time. They will be, on the other hand, the precedent of an interesting production of school press in Galicia that is maintained and renewed today.


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Author Biography

Xosé Antonio Neira Cruz, Complutense University of Madrid

Xosé Antonio Neira Cruz, journalist, writer and professor of Journalism in the Department of Communication Sciences of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela.

Doctor of Communication Sciences (2001) and Italian Philology ( 2015) by the University of Santiago de Compostela, in both cases with the qualification of Outstanding cum Laude, and Master in Award Law by the UNED (2013).

He has carried out study, teaching and research stays at the University of Bologna, in the International Jugendbibliothek in Munich, at the Biblioteque Nationale de France, at the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana and at the Archivio di Stato di Firenze, as well as at the Universities of Lyon, Rio Grande do Norte, Iceland and Lodz (Poland).

Author and coordinator of the project European campUSCulturae (http://campusculturae.com), co-financed by the University of Santiago de Compostela and the EACEA Culture Agency, is also part of the research group Novos Medios, from the Department of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela.

Apart from his publications in the field of Communication Sciences and literary criticism and analysis, he has written more than 30 works of literary creation, for which has received national and international distinctions and awards, such as the White Ravens from the Internationale Jugendbibliothek in Munich (three times), the IBBY Honor List, a mention in the Best of the Banco del Libro de Venezuela or the Prize for the best foreign book published in Brazil in 2008, from the Fundação Nacional do Livro Infantil e Juvenil (FNLIJ).

He was invited author at the Buenos Aires Book Fair (2006), at the Salão do Livro de Rio de Janeiro (2007), at the Feria del Libro de La Habana (2008), at the Guadalajara International Book Fair, Mexico (2009) and at the Berlin Litteratur Festival (2009), among others. and national and international exhibitions and congresses, director of summer courses at the University of Santiago de Compostela, lecturer and director of literary collections. He practiced journalism for fifteen years in the Galician media (La Voz de Galicia, Galicia Internacional, Tempos Novos and Galicia Television).



How to Cite

Neira Cruz, X. A. (2000). El Escolar and El Faro de Veiga, two school newspapers in the origins of the local Galician press. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (55), 1–5. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2000/02


