Policy 2.0 in Ecuador. Analysis of discourse and political communication on Facebook


  • Verónica Altamirano-Benítez Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
  • Pablo Ruiz-Aguirre Universidad Internacional del Ecuador http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1504-7544
  • Gabriela Baquerizo-Neira Universidad Casa Grande




Digital communication, politics, electoral campaign, social media, emotions, political agenda, political speech.


Introduction: Social networks are recognized for their impact on users' decisions. They have been studied to determine their incidence in the political arena. Methodology: This research analyzes the electoral campaign of the candidates for president of Ecuador, in the year 2021, based on three objectives: to analyze the 2.0 communication to determine to what extent the candidates establish an interactive relationship with voters on Facebook; to analyze the linguistic elements and emotions in the publications to identify the type of political discourse they use; and to determine the digital political agenda in the publications elaborated by the presidential candidates, for their campaign offer. To achieve these objectives, a mixed methodology was implemented. The research was developed in two stages. In the first stage was applied the Model of evaluation of communication 2.0 in social networks which develops a qualitative analysis, in the same way, the emotions that were transmitted in the electoral campaigns were analyzed and quantified somatically, and in the second stage 1,543 publications were codified to identify the campaign offer and the political agenda of the candidates.    Results: Political communication in social networks is not strategic, there is an excess of information that saturates the social network and also lacks content of value for the citizen. Conclusions: Political communication 2.0 is incipient in Ecuador, Facebook is used as a traditional communication channel, with rhetorical and uninteresting content, but loaded with positive emotionality to try to connect with the electorate.


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Author Biographies

Verónica Altamirano-Benítez, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Ph.D. in Communication and Creative Industries with International and Cum Laude mention from the Universidad Santiago de Compostela (Spain), Master’s Degree in Communication and Creative Industries from the Universidad Santiago de Compostela, Diploma in Organizational Communication, Communication for Development, and Bachelor’s Degree in Social Communication by the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja Loja (Ecuador).Extraordinary Doctorate Award in the Area of Social and Legal Sciences 2016 – 2017 of the Universidad Santiago de Compostela.She is the Coordinator of the Strategic Communication Management Research Group, co-author of international books, and articles in scientific and informative journals. Her publications include topics related to Organizational Communication, Tourism Communication, Communication 2.0, Digital Communication, Political Communication, and Communication for Development.

Pablo Ruiz-Aguirre, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador

Doctor (C) in law and political science from u of Barcelona-Spain and Antwerp-Belgium. Master's degree in political analysis and institutional advice from u of Barcelona-Spain. Master's degree in governance from the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Specialization in public policy and specialty in local government by the ISS of the Netherlands. Diploma in Public Management from the U. Washington. Diploma in Political Communication and electoral campaigns from the UIDE and U. Camilo José Cela (in progress). A lawyer from the UDLA. Director of the Ecuadorian Policy Agendas Project. His research topics are political agenda, political discourse. He is an undergraduate professor at UIDE and a postgraduate professor at UTPL.

Gabriela Baquerizo-Neira, Universidad Casa Grande

Ph.D en Comunicación Social por la Universidad Austral de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Realizó su maestría en DIRCOM en Valencia-España. Sus principales temas de investigación son: comunicación política latinoamericana y redes sociales; análisis de sentimientos; reputación y comunicación estratégica. Directora del grupo de investigación "Comunicación, política y liderazgo en contextos sociales y digitales latinoamericanos". Coordinadora y autora de capítulos de los libros "Comunicación política en campaña. Identidad, imagen y lenguaje como elementos estratégicos en las campañas políticas latinoamericanas" y "Ciberdemocracia y ciudadanía".  Actualmente es profesora e investigadora de la facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad Casa Grande.


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How to Cite

Altamirano-Benítez, V., Ruiz-Aguirre, P. ., & Baquerizo-Neira, G. (2022). Policy 2.0 in Ecuador. Analysis of discourse and political communication on Facebook . Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (80), 201–223. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2022-1539


