Serious games as an efficient strategy for science communication in the Covid-19 pandemic




ludic communication, science communication, social communication, COVID-19, videogames, serious game, game jam


Introduction: The communicative needs derived from the Covid-19 pandemic have encouraged the development of initiatives dedicated to channeling information to citizens through a diversity of actions. Serious games generated through game jams are an outstanding example. Methodology: The main objective of this research is to evaluate the possibilities of efficient production of serious games in the field of scientific communication on Covid-19 and in the context of production established by game jams. From a qualitative perspective, a selective search of this type of events in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic is carried out and identifies those productions whose objective is to inform with scientific rigor on aspects related to Covid-19, with a ludic communication model. Results: The production model is analyzed, followed by the ludic strategy of the three types of video games offered in the sample: reaction-based, recreation and strategy. As a last element of analysis, the playability provides a triple vision where the usability of the games stands out especially. Discussion and Conclusions: On the one hand, the planning and investment necessities that serious games require to guarantee their effectiveness as communicative products in the scientific field are evident. Likewise, it is observed that the high investment and production do not necessarily influence the receptivity of the public. Finally, it is concluded that the appropriate targeting of audiences and objectives can generate an adequate and effective communication strategy in the field of science.


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Author Biographies

María-del-Carmen Gertrudis-Casado, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Ph.D. in Communication Sciences from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Associate Professor of the Faculty of Communication Sciences. Researcher of the Grupo Ciberimaginario.


Índice H: 4

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María-del-Carmen Gálvez-de-la-Cuesta, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Ph.D. in Information Sciences from the Universidad Complutense. Associate Professor of the Faculty of Communication Sciences. Researcher of the Grupo Ciberimaginario.

Índice H: 10

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Juan Romero-Luis, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Audiovisual Communication from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Predoctoral researcher (Teacher Training Program of the Ministry of Universities -FPU) at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Researcher of the Grupo Ciberimaginario.

Índice H: 3

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Manuel Gértrudix Barrio, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Ph.D. in Information Sciences from the Universidad Complutense. Professor of the Faculty of Communication Sciences. Chief Researcher of the Grupo Ciberimaginario.

Índice H: 21

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How to Cite

Gertrudis-Casado, M.- del-C., Gálvez-de-la-Cuesta, M.- del-C., Romero-Luis, J., & Gértrudix Barrio, M. (2022). Serious games as an efficient strategy for science communication in the Covid-19 pandemic. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (80), 40–62.



Comunicación lúdica, videojuegos y gamificación

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