Towards a model of narrative in immersive journalism




immersive journalism; narrative model; production; virtual reality; Generation Z; Spain


Introduction: Given the increase in use of virtual reality and immersive content as a reporting format by journalists and the media, we have proposed a possible virtual reality narrative model for the production of these types of content. Method: We have opted for a mixed study, where the quantitative is made up of surveys conducted with 60 Generation Z Spaniards, at the same time as two discussion groups, with 5-6 individuals of a similar age. Likewise, a comparative analysis is considered between elements of the immersive narrative and the traditional audio-visual narrative in order to reach the desired end result. Results and conclusions: The complexity of the segmentation of audiences in the digital field is evident, despite the individuals belonging to the same social environment. The instruments of measurement allow for some basic elements for the creation of news content in multimedia formats with immersive capacity, which should be accompanied by commitment and perseverance by the media experts and journalists involved in the innovation processes.



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Author Biographies

Raquel Caerols Mateo, Francisco de Vitoria University. Spain

Accredited by ANECA (Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación) as a university professor, with a six-year period of outside assessment of research activity (sexenio de investigación). Doctorate of Applied Creativity in the Faculty of Fine Arts from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Associate professor in the field of creativity at the Faculty of Communication of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. She has participated in numerous distinguished conferences, including Computer Art in Mexico City and the VI Congress of Play and Pedagogy: For a New Way of Learning in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia). Her work has appeared in numerous prestigious publications. She directed the I Simposium of Cyberculture and New Media Art, financed by the Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport.

Pavel Sidorenko Bautista, Castilla-La Mancha University. Spain

Doctorate from the Faculty of Journalism of Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Degree in history from Universidad Central de Venezuela, with a Master’s in Social Communication from the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello. He taught the Social Communication degree course at the Universidad Monteávila de Caracas, the Master’s in Social Communication course at the Universidad Central de Venezuela and the Journalism degree course at UCLM. He researches, writes and gives lectures at conferences on social networks, new narratives and the application of immersive formats and virtual reality in fields such as journalism, advertising and marketing. He is a member of the immersive journalism Project E2C VR by the Faculty of Journalism of UCLM. His writing can be found at: 

Pablo Garrido Pintado, Francisco de Vitoria University. Spain

Doctorate in Information Sciences from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, with the doctoral thesis: Agencias de Viaje Online: Situación y perspectivas en el comercio electónico español. He is currently a Contracted Lecturer (with PhD), accredited by ANECA (Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación) and responsible for Educational Innovation at the Faculty of Communication at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. Over the last 15 years, he has combined teaching with his career in the advertising and digital marketing industries. For several years, he has worked as a freelancer in the digital marketing department of Tour Diez Travel, on the top ten tourist companies for sales in Spain. As a researcher, he has written scientific and informative articles, and book chapters, in the fields of advertising, marketing for tourism and audiovisual creation. He is an active member of the Icono 14 research group. He has been a visiting professor at the Universidad de La Haya (The Netherlands) and the Universidad San Pablo-T (Argentina).


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How to Cite

Caerols Mateo, R. ., Sidorenko Bautista, P. ., & Garrido Pintado, P. . (2020). Towards a model of narrative in immersive journalism. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (75), 341–365.




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