Storydoing as an innovative model of advertising communication that favors an improvement in society




Advertising, media, educommunication, storytelling, social change, Media Literacy


Introduction: Storydoing is analyzed as a prospective advertising communication model in terms of social justice and environmental sustainability that responds to the needs of a society that demands more transparency and honesty from commercial organizations. Methodology: A sample of 87 storydoing campaigns was subjected to exploratory qualitative content analysis. This analysis consisted of identifying the social cause of the campaign based on the categories established by Kotler et al. (2002) and calculating its incidence in the sample. Results: The results show that storydoing is an advertising communication model that favors the improvement of several areas within society, including education in values concerning family, school, adolescence and youth, civics, culture, and politics. In the same vein, it can help address issues such as environmental and ocean pollution, endangered species, and recycling. Discussion: In light of the above, we are faced with a model in advertising communication that favors an improvement in society. However, some studies point out the lack of clarity with which companies develop advertising strategies based on social causes. Conclusion: Ultimately, we find a disruptive edu-communicative model in advertising that bases its strategy on a story aligned with business reality and that is committed to the transformation of social reality.


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Author Biographies

Antonio Rodríguez-Ríos, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Member of the research team Grupo de Investigación en Publicidad (GRP) linked to the department of Strategic Communication, Advertising, and Public Relations of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He is currently researching the storydoing phenomenon as an engagement factor on Instagram, besides collaborating as an associate professor at the department of Advertising, Public Relations, and Audiovisual Communication of the same university.  

Patrícia Lázaro Pernias, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

She has a Ph.D. in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising, and she is a professor and current director of the Department of Advertising, Public Relations, and Audiovisual Communication. She is a member of the research team GRP, Grupo de Investigación en Publicidad. Her career as a professor and researcher is characterized by her work on two topics: audiovisual language and advertising creativity, especially linked to gender studies. And by the development and use of experimental methodology as a tool for analyzing the reception processes of advertising and communication. She has participated in several funded research and teaching innovation projects and is the author of several publications.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Ríos, Antonio, and Patrícia Lázaro Pernias. 2023. “Storydoing as an innovative model of advertising communication that favors an improvement in society”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 81 (January):171-90.


