Spanish Monarchy under examination: from consensual media silence to attack and defense frames in the case of the scandal of the emeritus king Juan Carlos I




monarchy, scandals, political corruption, media, King Juan Carlos I, framing, polarization


Introduction: media use different interpretive frames when covering political scandals. This paper studies two of them –attack and defense frame. These ones clearly reflect the political positioning of the media and their attitude towards cases of political corruption. Methodology: this work carries out a quantitative content analysis of the coverage given by the traditional and digital Spanish press to the corruption scandals linked to the figure of the Spanish King Emeritus, Juan Carlos I. The complete theoretical framework pointed out by Entman (1993 and 2012), which was empirically developed by Maier et al. (2019), is followed for its analysis. Results: the main results show that the Spanish press generally framed the scandal associated with the King Emeritus, Juan Carlos I, especially presenting the facts from the attack approach, although significant differences were found depending on the headline analyzed. Discussion: the analysed data corroborate other international research on political scandals, although the Spanish press seems to offer fragmented approaches more often than the German press studied by Maier et al. (2019). Conclusions: we finally found out that in the case of the alleged scandal concerning Juan Carlos I the Spanish media, more traditional than digital press, does offer an interpretive bias and is polarized.


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Author Biographies

Beatriz Herrero-Jiménez, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Beatriz Herrero Jiménez is an Assistant Professor at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and is accredited as Associate Professor (2017). She was previously a visiting professor at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and a postdoctoral researcher at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in the REMINDER project (Role of European Mobility and its Impacts in Narratives, Debates, and EU Reforms), of the European Commission call (H2020), as well as in the European Commission FP7 project INFOCORE, (In)Forming Conflict Prevention, Response, And Resolution. She has participated in numerous other international and national projects and has authored research articles in a wide range of national and international journals such as El profesional de la información, Comunicación y Sociedad, and Media, War, and Conflict. 

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Rosa Berganza , Rey Juan Carlos University

Rosa Berganza is a Professor of Journalism at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid). She has extensive experience in the management of national and international comparative projects in the field of Journalism and Political Communication. She is an expert in quantitative social research techniques, especially content analysis and surveys. She has worked as a head researcher in several national competitive projects and also in others financed by international organizations, such as the European Commission. Among the latter are INFOCORE, (In)forming Conflict Prevention, Response, and Resolution (, from the 7th Framework Program and REMINDER (Role of European Mobility and its Impacts in Narratives, Debates, and EU Reforms,, from the H2020 Program. She is the head researcher for Spain in the research project Worlds of Journalism Study ( 

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Eva Luisa Gómez Montero, Rey Juan Carlos University

Eva Luisa Gómez Montero holds a Ph.D. in Audiovisual Communication from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid, a Master’s Degree in Performing Arts (URJC), and a Master’s Degree in Gender Studies (UNED). She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the URJC, as part of CEMPOCOR, with two lines of research: quantitative and qualitative analysis of the effects on society of media discourses and narratives; analysis and theory of cinema with a gender perspective. She has participated in several European and national projects: "REMINDER. Role of European mobility and its impacts in narratives, debates, and EU reforms" (H2020); "Study of the influence of parliaments, media, and social networks in the development of 6 armed conflicts", among others.   

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How to Cite

Herrero-Jiménez, B., Berganza , R., & Gómez Montero, E. L. (2023). Spanish Monarchy under examination: from consensual media silence to attack and defense frames in the case of the scandal of the emeritus king Juan Carlos I. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (81), 230–249.




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