Citation, co-citation and co-word analysis of public media and digital ecosystem




public media, public service media, digital ecosystem, bibliometric analysis, citation analysis, co-citation analysis, co-word analysis


Introduction: This paper examines the scientific production related to the public media in digital world, due to the increase in the last decade. Methodology: 292 indexed references in Web of Science between 2012-2022 are selected, carrying out a bibliometric analysis of citation, co-citation and co-words of scientific research on the subject. Results: The aforementioned analysis determines that the countries with the highest number of citations on the subject are Belgium, the United States, England and Austria; the source with the highest number of citations is Journalism Studies; the most cited documents are those of Van Dijck and Poell, (2015) and Aalberg et al. (2013); concerning authors, the most cited are Shanto Iyengar and Hilde Van den Bulck. Concerning the analysis of co-citations, the most mentioned papers are Bardoel, (2003), Hallin y Mancini (2004) and Brevini, B. (2013), and the most cited authors are Hallin, D. C., Van den Bulck, H. and Benson, R. In both cases, the thematic groupings are: public television services, media and politics and influence of the media on public opinion. Regarding the co-citation of sources, Media, Culture & Society; Journal of Communication and Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, among others. The analysis of co-words shows the main research subjects: news communication, mass communication, European journalism and global journalism. Discussion and conclusions: This paper makes it possible the identification of the main trends and theoretical fundamentals in the studied field, as well as to detect emerging trends.


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Author Biographies

Luis Antonio López-Fraile, Universidad Europea de Madrid

PhD in Communication cum laude from the European University of Madrid, Bachelor's degree in Political Science and Sociology from UCM (specializations in Labor Sociology and Consumer Behavior), and Master's degree in Human Resources Management and Organization from ESIC. Responsible for Academic Internships and Employability and a professor since 2001 at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication of the European University of Madrid. Has undertaken several international stays at the Università degli Studi di Bergamo (Italy). Has held positions of responsibility at the European University of Madrid, including Director of the Career Guidance Office and Vice Dean of Business Communication at the Faculty of Communication. Areas of research include employability, communication, and the use of ICT in education.

Eva Jiménez-García, Universidad Europea de Madrid

Doctorate in Education Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid (2017) with an outstanding cum laude distinction and the Extraordinary Doctorate Award. Accredited as a Contracted Doctoral Professor. Academic Director at the European University and Director of the Chair of Talent Measurement and Evaluation. Member of the Research Group on Measurement and Evaluation of Educational Systems at the Complutense University of Madrid and the Research Group on Educational Innovation at the European University of Madrid. Member of the Evaluation Council of the Complutense Journal of Education and the Journal of Education. Member of the Advisory Council of the Pedagogical Trends Journal. Research activity focused on evaluation, analysis, and educational measurement.

Miguel Ángel Alonso Guisande, Universidad Europea de Madrid

PhD in Communication cum laude from the European University of Madrid. Telecommunications Engineer specialized in image and sound. Graduated in Audiovisual Communication and Master's degree in Acoustic, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering. Author of communications and presentations at international conferences, as well as articles in specialized journals. Has developed a professional career in various national and international broadcast companies as well as in the production sector. Has undertaken an international stay at Santa Fe University of Arts and Design in New Mexico, USA. Research work focuses on the field of audiovisual technology, film production, and sound, with special emphasis on the study of acoustics applied to audiovisual systems and broadcast environments.


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How to Cite

López-Fraile, L. A., Jiménez-García, E., & Alonso Guisande, M. Ángel. (2023). Citation, co-citation and co-word analysis of public media and digital ecosystem . Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (82), 1–24.


