The new online university education: from the emotional to the spectacular
educommunication, online education, spectacle education, educational entertainment, ICT education - Artificial Intelligence, emotional learning, virtual teaching on screens, educational entertainment-edutainmentAbstract
Introduction: The ties between education and communication are getting stronger, but the risks of digital divides and failure are important. Through this study, it is considered whether virtual education is viable, through screens and technological tools. Free access to knowledge is free, but warns of dangers linked to the emotional and lack of face-to-face training. Methodology: This is an exploratory and descriptive investigation. A bibliographical review is made and the development of educommunication is studied, emotional aspects are analyzed and a questionnaire for the validation of virtual teaching is generated. Results: they are based on the surveys carried out in the questionnaires on emotional skills for teachers and students who have been lost and who should be developed, satisfaction, evaluation of education on screens, incidence of spectacularization. Discussion: It has been verified that teachers and students, after the evolution of the massive use of screens and new tools, value short-term advantages of ICT, such as the development of new methodologies, but the loss of emotions, such as empathy, and the relationship and exchange with others and that opens the risk of spectacularization and edutainment on the use and abuse of ICT. Conclusions: So that education does not follow the wrong paths of the spectacularization of communication, we must promote interdisciplinary research in education and communication to give rise to a deep and critical debate regarding the new tools, technologies and methodologies in the educational field.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Dra. Daniela Musicco Nombela, Dr. Piero Dominici, Dr. Gonzalo Sarasqueta, Dra. María José Gato Bermudez, Dra. Maria João Silveira, Dr. José Díaz Cuesta
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