Use of corporate podcasting as a SDGs communication tool in the Spanish banking sector




2030 Agenda, communication, CSR communication, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), podcast, CSR, banking sector


Introduction: CSR is the mechanism through which organizations integrate the SDGs into their corporate strategies. On the other hand, the communication of responsibility and commitment initiatives with citizens is an important factor in achieving social legitimacy for the company. Moreover, digital communication tools, including corporate podcast, are powerful allies for disseminating a corporate brand message aligned with sustainability, commitment and social responsibility. Therefore, the main objective of this article is to analyze how the banking sector uses corporate podcast as a tool for communicating content related to the SDGs. Methodology: A content analysis of the headlines and explanatory texts of the podcast deliveries issued by the largest financial institutions in Spain during the year 2022 was carried out. Results: 36.1% of the podcasts analyzed address the SDGs, with 12 of the 17 SDGs set by the United Nations being represented. Discussion: The results show a significant use of corporate podcasts as a SDGs communication tool, which is consistent with companies' growing commitment to a more engaged communication linked to CSR. Conclusions: This research represents a further step in understanding how organisations use the communicative possibilities provided by digital platforms, specifically podcasts, to communicate CSR-related issues.


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Author Biographies

Estrella Barrio-Fraile, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Estrella Barrio Fraile holds a PhD in Advertising and Public Relations from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). She is a lecturer in the Department of Advertising, Public Relations and Audiovisual Communication (UAB) and a member of the ComSet-Publiradio Group ( Her main lines of research focus on corporate communication, intangible values, corporate social responsibility and audio branding. She has published several articles in indexed journals and book chapters in renowned publishing houses. She is also currently a professor on the Master's Degree in Business and Institutional Communication Management (UAB) and has been a collaborating lecturer on the University Master's Degree in Corporate Social Responsibility (UOC).

María Luz Barbeito-Veloso, Universidad Aut`ónoma de Barcelona

Mariluz Barbeito Veloso is a university professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. With a PhD in Audiovisual Communication, she is a member of the ComSet-Publiradio Group ( where she has participated in research projects (R&D) related to her main lines of work: sound and organisational communication. As a result of this work, she has published several scientific articles in indexed journals. She has been academic coordinator of the Master in Strategic Creativity in Audiovisual Information at the UAB.

Anna Fajula-Payet, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Anna Fajula Payet holds a PhD in Advertising and Public Relations (UAB). She is currently Serra Húnter Lecturer at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, member of the ComSet-Publiradio research group ( and of the Centre for Studies and Research in Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation (CREIS) at the UAB. Her main lines of work focus on creativity as a strategic communicational value, audiobranding and the treatment of gender in advertising, topics on which she has published several scientific articles in indexed journals.

She has been coordinator of communication at the Faculty of Communication Sciences (UAB), coordinator of the degree in Advertising and PR at the Faculty of Communication Sciences (UAB) and Vice-Director of internal and external relations at the Department of Advertising, Public Relations and Audiovisual Communication (UAB).

Juan José Perona-Páez, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Juan José Perona Páez holds a PhD in Information Sciences (Journalism) from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). He is a professor in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the UAB and he has been accredited with the highest academic rank by Aneca since 2014. He is a senior researcher at the ComSet-Publiradio Group (consolidated SGR). His main lines of research focus on sound communication and educational radio. Among other management positions, he has been Dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the UAB (1999-2001), Rector's Delegate for Teaching Quality (2002-2006) and Director of the Department of Advertising, Public Relations and Audiovisual Communication at the UAB (2015-2018).

Ana María Enrique-Jiménez, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Ana Mª Enrique Jiménez holds a PhD and is a professor in the Department of Advertising, Public Relations and Audiovisual Communication at the UAB and a member of the ComSet-Publiradio research group (consolidated SGR). Her teaching and research activity is linked to the field of corporate communication management and intangible values. She is the author of some forty scientific publications dealing with the study of CSR, communication management and communication strategies in crisis situations. She is the academic director of the Master's in Business and Institutional Communication Management at the UAB, a pioneering Master's in Spain and Latin America in the training of the competencies and skills of the Dircom.


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How to Cite

Barrio-Fraile, E., Barbeito-Veloso, M. L., Fajula-Payet, A., Perona-Páez, J. J., & Enrique-Jiménez, A. M. (2023). Use of corporate podcasting as a SDGs communication tool in the Spanish banking sector. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (81), 97–122.



Persuasive communication and social purposes of brands