What’s all the Buzz about?: ‘Lightyear’ and the attitudes toward homosexuality and same-sex parenting on social media in Ecuador





attitudes, homosexuality, same-sex parenting, sexual diversity, hate speech, social media


Introduction: The study of attitudes towards homosexuality and same-sex parenting has employed multiple strategies to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. In this article, we analyze comments on public social media that arose following the release and controversy surrounding a scene featuring a kiss between two women in the movie Lightyear, released in 2022. The objective of this article was to identify attitudes and the main arguments that people provide in favor or against homosexuality and same-sex parenting. Methodology: Digital and print media outlets in Ecuador that published news about the movie were identified. A sample of 707 comments was extracted and a content analysis of the comments was conducted. Results: 335 comments were against homosexuality and same-parenting, 23 in favor, and 7 themes were identified: protection of childhood, social aspects, imposition and indoctrination, double standards, religious arguments, attitudinal ambiguity, and biological reproduction and nature. The arguments, among other things, reveal a high concern for the well-being of children associated with beliefs about the origin of sexual orientation, the role of adults in protecting children from what is considered abnormal, and the role of families in filtering the content their children should see. Discussion and Conclusions: There is rejection towards homosexuality and same-sex parenting that is based on negative views of sexual and family diversity, socially propagated theories about sexual orientation, the role of the family, and child development.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Hermosa-Bosano, Universidad de Las Américas; Universidad Latina de Costa Rica

School of Psychology and Education, University of the Americas, Quito-Ecuador.

Clinical Psychologist graduated from San Francisco de Quito University in Ecuador. Master and Doctor in Psychology from University of the Andes in Colombia. Research Professor at the University of the Americas in Quito-Ecuador. His publications and lines of research focus on a wide variety of topics including the study of attitudes towards sexual minority populations and their families, family aspirations of LGBTIQ+ people, as well as the mental and physical health of people belonging to sexual minorities, their partners and families. He has also participated in projects on teaching excellence and with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the mental health and well-being of teacher populations and the general population.


Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7957-2455

Paula Hidalgo-Andrade, Universidad de las Américas

School of Psychology and Education, University of the Americas, Quito-Ecuador.

Ecuadorian psychologist and speech therapist. She holds a degree in Psychology from St. Thomas University (Canada), a Master in Clinical Psychology from University of the Americas Puebla (Mexico), a Master in Psycho-Oncology and Palliative Care from Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes and a PhD in Psychology from University of Deusto (Spain). Her research and academic interests are mainly focused on caregiver care, clinical and health psychology, palliative care, public health and education. She currently works as a teacher-researcher and dean of the School of Psychology and Education at the University of the Americas in Quito, Ecuador.


Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1797-3258

Gustavo Cusot-Cerda, Universidad San Francisco de Quito

School of Communication and Contemporary Arts. San Francisco de Quito University, Quito-Ecuador.

PhD in Communication, graduated from UNIACC University. Vice Dean of the School of Communication and Contemporary Arts at San Francisco de Quito University Coordinator of the Organizational Communication Career at San Francisco de Quito University. Communicator and consultant in the field of communication and corporate image for companies and institutions in Argentina, Spain, United States and Ecuador. He has made presentations and publications in indexed journals on topics of Organizational Communication and Public Relations, Political Communication in electoral and government processes.


Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8814-9808

Ariana Varela-Romero, Universidad de las Américas

School of Psychology and Education, University of the Americas, Quito-Ecuador.

Clinical Psychologist graduated from University of the Americas in Ecuador. Member of the first graduate class of the academic excellence program of the University of the Americas, UDLA Honors. Master's Degree in Education and Teaching from the Universidad Latinoamericana en Línea. She has participated in projects of community psychology and awareness of the population in vulnerability and at risk. Likewise, she has collaborated with the creation and delivery of workshops on mental health promotion and prevention for adults and children.


Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0009-0004-6145-7706

José Montenegro-Espinosa, Universidad de las Américas

School of Psychology and Education, University of the Americas, Quito-Ecuador.

Final semester student of General Psychology at the University of the Americas. Collaborator in research projects within the areas of Brain, Emotion and Behavior and Well-being, Health and Society, working with topics related to functional diversity, sexual diversity and routine monitoring of results in psychotherapy. Teaching assistant at the University of the Americas, in the subjects of sexuality education and project titling and design.


Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0009-0004-5387-4083

Emma Zambrano-Garzón, Universidad San Francisco de Quito

School of Communication and Contemporary Arts. San Francisco de Quito University, Quito-Ecuador.

Third year student of Organizational Communication and Public Relations at San Francisco de Quito University, with a minor in psychology. Administrative assistant at the School of Communication and Contemporary Arts at San Francisco de Quito University. She has collaborated as an assistant in research projects related to Organizational Communication and in the generation of digital strategies from her position as community manager of the social networks of the Communication Career and the School of Communication and Contemporary Arts at the San Francisco de Quito University.


Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0009-0008-9691-2309


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How to Cite

Hermosa-Bosano, C., Hidalgo-Andrade, P., Cusot-Cerda, G., Varela-Romero, A., Montenegro-Espinosa, J., & Zambrano-Garzón, E. (2023). What’s all the Buzz about?: ‘Lightyear’ and the attitudes toward homosexuality and same-sex parenting on social media in Ecuador . Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (82), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.4185/rlcs-2024-2168



Hate speech, digital populism and online authoritarianism