Minorities in the media 1997, European Year against Racism


  • Raúl Martínez Corcuera Autonomous University of Barcelona




The role of the media as a denial or reflection of a multicultural society; the presentation of minorities, racism or migratory movements; the rise of the extreme right in Europe; and the treatment of the media in the media. Minorities, racism or migratory movements; the rise of the extreme right in Europe; and the media's treatment of these issues during 1997 as the European Year against racism and xenophobia. The media's treatment of these issues during 1997 as the European Year against Racism, will be the main themes. Racism, will be the main arguments of this article.

While in the 1960s Spain had sent more than three million people to immigration, in the 1990s it became a receiving state for migratory movements, became a receiving state for migratory movements, mainly from the Maghreb and Latin America.
The economic crisis of the nineties, the difficulties of understanding the new multicultural and multiethnic situation, the conversion of these issues into political discourses, and the the conversion of these issues into political discourse and electoral banners, and the rise of extreme right-wing movements throughout Europe, lead us to consider this movements throughout Europe lead to consider this situation as a fundamental characteristic of European society in the new millennium new millennium.


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How to Cite

Martínez Corcuera, R. (1998). Minorities in the media 1997, European Year against Racism. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (53), 483–486. https://doi.org/10.4185/rlcs-1998-2172


