Sport and communication: the first traces of women’s football in the Canary Islands




Sport, football, women, press, Canary Islands


Introduction: Women's football was banned for many years until the first teams began to be created
in the Canary Islands. Methodology: The research has been based on the bibliographic and
hemerographic review of the specialized press and sports news of the time. Other current studies have
also been taken into account to focus a position from the social history of sport. This communication
includes the articles published in the Canarian newspapers between 1915 and 1950. Results and
conclusions: The research shows the low representation of women's football in the Canary Islands in
the period studied and an unequal treatment resulting from the historical, social and legal context of
the analyzed time.


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Author Biographies

Laura Esther Castro Hernández, University of La Laguna

Laura Esther Castro Hernández holds a Diploma in Tourism, a bachelor’s degree in Journalism, a master’s degree in Information Sciences, a master’s degree in Marketing and Digital Communication, and a PhD degree in Law, Society and Tourism.

Island Sports Director of the Cabildo de Tenerife. She was head of Communications of the Tenerife Egatesa Sports Union. President of the Association for Women’s Sport. She has worked in different media (Antena 3 Canarias, Radio Marca Tenerife, Azul and Blanco S.L.) and currently manages the communication of companies in the tourism and sports sectors.

Guest professor in various programmes for Tenerife Insular Council, the Chamber of Commerce and General Foundation of the University of La Laguna (FGULL), teaching the courses “Sustainable Tourism. Educational innovation project on the objectives of sustainable development from the teaching of law” and “Entrepreneurship, Technology and Women’s Empowerment in sport and the media. Summer University of Adeje.

Carmen María Rodríguez Wangüemert, University of La Laguna

Professor of Journalism at the University of La Laguna since August 1997. Bachelor’s degree in Information Sciences and Journalism, from the Complutense University of Madrid (June 1986) and PhD degree in Information Sciences, from the University of La Laguna (December 1991). Former editor of Jornada and El Día newspapers from November 1987 to May 1993. Contributor for El Día Newspaper from 2005 to 2011.

Director of the Calima Communication and Culture Researchers Network in Canary Islands and Africa. Coordinator of the Communication, Culture and Development research group and member of the Gender and Health research group, both of the University of La Laguna (ULL). Member of the City, Communication and Culture (CCC XXI) research team of the University of the Basque Country. Founding member of the UNESCO Chair in Emerging practices in communication technologies for development.

She has participated in 12 publicly funded research projects and has been the leading researcher in 4 of them. It has coordinated more than five publicly funded collaboration agreements.
Author of numerous scientific texts, published in magazines and book chapters, more than 50 works and two books. Author or co-author in more than 60 conference papers.
Director of 12 doctoral theses (six in co-direction), one of which won the Extraordinary PhD Award and another one received a European Mention.

Professor at the University of La Laguna since 1997, in master’s and doctoral degrees. She has occupied one-person positions in the Department of Information Sciences and the Schools of Information Sciences and Political, Social and Communication Sciences, as principal, vice-dean and dean between 1999 and 2016.

Director of the Doctoral Programme in “Media and Information Sciences” of the University of La Laguna from 1999 to 2006. Director of the Non-official MA degree in “Communication for Development, Peace Culture, Equality and Human Rights” (2012-2013).

Member of the editorial board of 5 scientific journals. Expert evaluator of the Academia Programme of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation for access to the faculty. Evaluator of the Quality Agency of the Basque University System (Unibasq).

María Aránzazu Calzadilla Medina, University of La Laguna

Scholar in the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Spain.

Author of several national and international publications on different areas of civil law. Participant in eight research projects. Guest researcher in different universities: University of Oxford (United Kingdom), Harvard University (USA), University of Bologna (Italy), University of Helsinki (Finland), University of Montpellier (France), Paris Descartes University (France), among others. Key speaker in national and international conferences. Former director of seminars, courses and conferences, as well as academic secretary of two international conferences.

Former deputy director and director of the Equality Unit of the University of La Laguna, member of the Canarian Equality Council, key agent in the Violeta Framework of the Council of Tenerife and member of the Sustainability division of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE). Current Dean of the School of Law of the University of La Laguna.


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How to Cite

Castro Hernández, L. E., Rodríguez Wangüemert, C. M. ., & Aránzazu Calzadilla Medina, M. . (2019). Sport and communication: the first traces of women’s football in the Canary Islands. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (74), 1680–1696.


