Life story interviewing as research method in Social Communication. The case of women journalists in San José de Cúcuta (Colombia)




Life story interview, methodology, social communication, border area


Introduction: This article, which is the result of the research project titled “Women journalists, opinion leaders in San José de Cúcuta”, aims to implement the life story interview as a research method in Social Communication. Methods: The study is exploratory in nature and is based on in-depth interviews with six women journalists from local news media. The interviews contained 120 questions, divided in seven aspects: 1) Family and personal life; 2) Education; 3) Beginning of work life; 4) Exercise of the profession; 5) Opinion leaders; 6) Female opinion leaders and 7) Gender mainstreaming in Journalism. Results: The application of the selected method allowed us to approach the practices and routines of the female interviewees, identifying attitudes, roles and transformations in their exercise of journalism. Conclusions and discussion: The life story interview constitutes a methodological alternative for Social Communication and allows us to understand the problems of the border area from the perspective of communication.


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Author Biographies

Eliana Catherine Mojica Acevedo, University of Pamplona

Eliana Caterine Mojica Acevedo is a social communicator and journalist at the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga (Colombia). She holds a master’s degree in Education from the Libertador Experimental Pedagogic University (UPEL) of Venezuela. Her lines of research are related to journalism, communication and culture, public opinion and women. Currently, she is a representative of the School of Arts and Humanities before the Research Committee of the University of Pamplona and internship advisor at the bachelor’s programme in Social Communication of the University of Pamplona (Villa del Rosario campus).

Gladys Adriana Espinel Rubio, University of Francisco de Paula Santander

Gladys Adriana Espinel Rubo is a social communicator and journalist at the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga (Colombia). She holds a master’s degree in Latin American Political Problems from the University of Cauca (Colombia). She is currently undertaking the PhD programme in Political Sciences of the University of Zulia (Venezuela). Her lines of research are related to journalism, the media, social movements, ethnic groups and women. Currently, she is the Coordinator of the Center for Communications and Audiovisual Media (Cecom) of the Francisco de Paula Santander University (UFPS) and representative of the School of Education, Arts and Humanities before the Central Research Committee of the Francisco de Paula Santander University UFPS.

Luis Horacio Botero Montoya, University Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB)

Luis Horacio Botero Montoya is a social communicator and journalist at the University of Antioquia (Colombia). He holds a master’s degree in Administration Sciences from the University of Eafit (Colombia) and a PhD degree in International Affairs from the Rey Juan Carlos University (Spain). His lines of research are related to strategic project management; strategic communication and its relationship with organisation and management. Currently, he is the Research Coordinator of the School of Economics, Administration and Business of the Pontifical Bolivarian University (Medellín campus).


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How to Cite

Mojica Acevedo, Eliana Catherine, Gladys Adriana Espinel Rubio, and Luis Horacio Botero Montoya. 2019. “Life story interviewing as research method in Social Communication. The case of women journalists in San José de Cúcuta (Colombia)”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 74 (January):347-59.


