How do teenagers interact with video games? Preferences and performative skills




Video games, socialisation, teenagers, transmedia literacy


Introduction. This article analyses the influence of video games on the socialisation processes of Spanish teenagers, especially regarding the development of safety habits, time investment and preferences of use. Methods. The study is based on a quantitative and descriptive approach and the use of a purpose-created 13-item survey questionnaire that examines video games and media use and was applied to a sample of 237 students aged 12 to 17. Results. Spanish teenagers are indifferent towards the adoption of safety habits when it comes to playing video games. Discussion and conclusions. Motivation to play video games is higher in teenage boys than girls, which makes us wonder about the causes of these gender-related preferences in videogame use and the development of safety habits.


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Author Biographies

Juan Manuel Muñoz González, University of Cordoba

Professor in the area of Didactics and School Organisation of the University of Córdoba, where he teaches subjects related to media literacy and the educational dimension of information and communication technologies. His research work focuses on educational technology, specifically on the design and integration of digital teaching resources in initial teacher training, as well as on holistic learning strategies, such as mind mapping.

Blas Segovia Aguilar, University of Cordoba

Professor in the area of Didactics and School Organisation of the University of Córdoba, where he teaches subjects related to media literacy and the educational dimension of information and communication technologies. His research work focuses on media literacy, as well as the creation of professionalising networks between university and schools through learning communities.


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How to Cite

Muñoz González, J. M., & Segovia Aguilar, B. . (2019). How do teenagers interact with video games? Preferences and performative skills. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (74), 360–382.


