School bullying and teen suicide in the Spanish press: from journalistic taboo to boom




schoolbullying, ciberbullying, suicide, public opinión, journalism, sensationalism


Introduction. The current research deals with the treatment of schoolbullying and the news about the suicide of adolescents in the Spanish press. Methodology. The objective is to measure the importance the newspapers give to this phenomenon to ascertain if the interest of newspapers runs parallel to the occurrence of the most serious cases or if the agenda-setting outstands schoolbullying as a main social problem. Results. Data were obtained after accounting 8,421 news items published in reference newspapers between 2004 and 2017, and going deeper into the 222 that directly address the eight cases of teen suicide in Spain during the research period. Conclusions. Media interest for the problema is growing up, although with strong narrative deficiencies. Predominates a sensationalist view focused in autolysis cases, which are no more considerad a taboo topic by its possible imitation effect, and the presumption of inocence is oftenly not respected.


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Author Biographies

Elena Blanco-Castilla, University of Malaga

Professor of Journalism at the University of Málaga. Member of the Board of Directors of RTVA and the Patronage of the Audiovisual Foundation of Andalusia. Former Deputy Director of the UNESCO Chair on Communication at the University of Málaga, until 2017. Her research focuses on environmental journalism and climate change and data journalism, which has been developed through different projects, including four funded by the National Research Plan: “New scenarios in research applied to the study of the media system” (SEJ2006-14561/SOCI), ”Communication and climate change. Strategies of media translation, from scientific consensus to public opinion” (CSO2010-19725), “Big data, social networks and data journalism” (CSO2013-47767- C2-2-R), and, currently, “Audience influence on the informative setting of the public digital sphere” (CSO2015-64955-C4-3-R). These projects have produced more than 20 articles published in high-impact communication journals: Revista Latina de Comunicación Socia, TrípodosEstudios del Mensaje Periodístico, Ámbitos, Chasqui, Interactions. Studies in Communication and Culture, McGraw Hill Education.

Her most recent publications include: Periodismo de datos(“Data journalism”), in Cuadernos Artesanos (2016); El Periodismo de datos en los medios de referencia españoles (“Data journalism in Spanish media”), in Trípodos, (2016); El cambio climático en la prensa europea… (Climate change in the European press…”) in Estudios del Mensaje Periodístico (2015); La incipiente apuesta del Periodismo de datos en el análisis político y electoral español. Las elecciones catalanas de 2015 (“The incipient bet on data journalism in the Spanish political and election analysis. The Catalan elections of 2015”), in Revista Latina de Comunicación Social (2015); Nuevos contenidos para viejos problemas: El cambio Climático en el discurso editorial de la prensa europea (“New contents for old problems: climate change in the editorial discourse of the European press”), McGraw Hill, (2014); Political polarisation and climate change: the editorial strategies of The New York Times and El País newspapers, in Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture, Intellec (2014); Periodismo de innovación. Hacia un nuevo campo de especialización (“Innovation journalism. Towards a new field of specialisation”), in Nuevos retos del Periodismo especializado (2014).

Juan Cano-Galindo, Universidad de Málaga

Juan Cano Galindo is a PhD student and holds a bachelor’s degree in Communication Sciences from the University of Málaga and a Diploma in Teaching. He works in the Diario Sur newspaper and is a regular collaborator of Antena3 and La Sexta. Professor of Journalism at the Autonomous Business School (EADE) of Málaga since 2013, where he teaches Press workshop and Journalistic writing. His professional work has received numerous awards, including the 2003 Manuel Alcántara International Journalism Prize, with the feature report “Pablo Picasso lives in Malaga”, and the 2017 National Journalism Prize of the Spanish Police Foundation, for the feature report “The cop who makes the bad ones sing”. He is co-author of the novel “The Last drop”, a research work on the Malay case, which uncovered a corruption plot in Marbella.


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How to Cite

Blanco-Castilla, Elena, and Juan Cano-Galindo. 2019. “School bullying and teen suicide in the Spanish press: from journalistic taboo to boom”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 74 (May):937-49.


