Juan Sebastián Elcano in Spanish notaphily: two visions, an epic





Notaphily, Juan Sebastián Elcano, Second Spanish Republic, Francoism, Communication


Introduction: The feat achieved by Juan Sebastián Elcano and the crew of the carrack Victoria in 1522 has remained in the Hispanic collective imaginary as one of the greatest achievements a country can accomplish, and this is reflected in pieces as ephemeral as banknotes. Methods: This article combines content analysis and iconographic analysis to examine the two examples of Spanish notaphily that honoured Juan Sebastián Elcano and his feat in two very different periods of Spanish history, the Second Republic and the First Francoism. Results and conclusions: It is clear that the use of this iconography was not accidental, and that the same motive, due to its universality, was able to communicate similar messages of the beginning of a new era, in opposing historical periods. 


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Author Biographies

Francisco-Javier García Herrero, University of Valladolid

Francisco-Javier García Herrero holds a PhD degree in Advertising and Public Relations (2015). Professor in the bachelor’s programme in Advertising and Public Relations. His preferred lines of research focus on the history of communication and specifically on advertising through numismatic pieces and advertisers’ commercial communication.

His most recent publications include: García Herrero, F. J. (2015): Anunciantes en los jetones publicitarios en un caso local: Madrid (1886-1927). Oppidum. IE. Segovia; (2014) La comunicación comercial en las monedas: Jetones publicitarios en España (1886-1927). Ad Research, 11, Madrid: ESIC; (2013): La manipulación de monedas como soporte comunicacional satírico y humorístico. Proceedings XIII International Conference Asociación de Historiadores de la comunicación “El humor en la historia de la comunicación”. Facultad de Periodismo de la Universidad de Castilla la Mancha, Cuenca; and (2013): “La manipulación de monedas como soporte comunicacional político, 1931-1939: República y Guerra”. Proceedings XIII International Conference Ibercom. Santiago de Compostela. pp. 3151-3163.

He carries out research and dissemination work in relation to the historical role of Segovia’s Mint, providing expert consultancy for the planning of exhibitions.

María-Cruz Alvarado López, Universidad de Valladolid

Professor in the bachelor’s programme in advertising and public relations, where she teaches theory and history of advertising, and MA programme in Communication for Social Purposes: Strategies and Campaigns, where she coordinates the course “communication and social change: theoretical models and practical experiences”.

Her lines of research are advertising for social purposes, advertising history, the controversy around prostitution through advertising, and media competencies of communication professionals.

Her most recent publications include:

-SAIZ ECHEZARRETA, VANESA; ALVARADO LÓPEZ, MARÍA CRUZ, GÓMEZ LORENZINI, PAULINA (2018) Advocacy of trafficking campaigns: A controversy story”, Comunicar, XXVI (55), 02-15 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.3916/C55-2018-03 | pp. 29-38.

-ALVARADO, M., DE-ANDRÉS, S., & COLLADO, R. (2017). “Social exclusion in the context of communication for development and social change. An analysis of the treatment of social inclusion in non-profit public service campaigns”. Disertaciones, 10(1), 108-124. (https://goo.gl/3cRFf6).

-SAIZ ECHEZARRETA, VANESA; ALVARADO LÓPEZ, MARÍA CRUZ (2017): “Prostituciones en red: análisis de los espacios publicitarios digitales/“Prostitutions in the web: analysis of digital advertising spaces”, in Labrys, Études féministes/ Estudos feministas. Retrieved from https://www.labrys.net.br/labrys30/patriarcado/vanesa.htm

Since 2015, member of the Audiovisual research and hypermedia group (GICAVH), recognised by the Governing body of the University of Valladolid (30-3-2011), and directed by Agustín García Matilla. As part of this group, she has carried out the research project titled: the construction of public affairs in the mediatised public sphere: Semiotic and ethnographic analysis of news (CSO2013-45726-R), Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Duration: 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2015. Grant: 13,000.00 euros.

H-index: 8


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How to Cite

García Herrero, F.-J. ., & Alvarado López, M.-C. . (2019). Juan Sebastián Elcano in Spanish notaphily: two visions, an epic. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (74), 716–733. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2019-1353


