Sociodemographic profiles and predictors of news consumers




competition; news media; news consumption; sociodemographic predictors


Introduction: This research article examines the sociodemographic profile of Spanish news consumers in the last decade. Methods: The study is based on ten surveys conducted by the Centre for Sociological Research (CIS, according to its initials in Spanish) between 2006 and 2017, on samples ranging from 2,455 to 3,191 participants, to determine whether sociodemographic profiles of news consumers are different across media platforms and whether they can efficiently predict news consumption. Results: It is concluded that the Internet has increased the consumption of print and digital newspapers. News consumption in radio and television is so widespread that the selected sociodemographic variables do not allow us to detect noticeable differences. However, newspaper readers are predominantly male, urban, middle-aged, middle and upper class, and highly educated. Internet news consumers basically match the previous profile, except in terms of age, as they are younger. In the case of newspaper and Internet news, the variables that predict their consumption more efficiently are education level, female sex (negative correlation) and social class (positive correlation). Finally, the correlation coefficients between news consumption in all three media platforms are significant, but not very high.


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Author Biographies

Juan Pablo Artero, University of Zaragoza

Juan Pablo Artero is PhD in Communication and Associate Professor of Journalism at the University of Zaragoza. Since March 2018, Vice-chairman of the board of directors of the Aragonese Radio and Television Corporation (CARTV).

Víctor Orive, University of Zaragoza

PhD in Economics and Business Organization and assistant professor of PhD at the University School of Tourism of the University of Zaragoza. He teaches Market Research and Marketing and quality of tourist destinations.

Pilar Latorre, University of Zaragoza

Pilar Latorre is an industrial engineer, PhD in Economics and Business Administration and Assistant Professor of Business Administration at the University of Zaragoza. Her research work focuses on operations, performance evaluation and benchmarking.


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How to Cite

Pablo Artero, J. ., Orive, V. ., & Latorre, P. . (2020). Sociodemographic profiles and predictors of news consumers. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (77), 55–72.


