Uses of the podcast for educational purposes. Systematic mapping of the literature in WoS and Scopus (2014-2019)
podcast; e-learning; systematic mapping of literature; open educational resources; educommunication; educationAbstract
Introduction: There is little research available on the educational use of the audio podcast. The published literature (2014-2019) was reviewed, classifying uses, contexts, and categories of the audio podcast for educational purposes, and identifying authors and reference journals in the field. Methodology: The Systematic Mapping of Literature method was applied to a sample of open access articles indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus databases. The filtering of the sample was carried out according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results and conclusions: 81 articles were found that highlight the main educational uses of the podcast and coincide in its usefulness to support learning in formal, non-formal, and informal educational institutions and settings. This work provides researchers, educators, and institutions with an updated baseline to further explore the educational strengths of the podcast.
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