Public Service Media in the online arena




European public broadcasters, European Union, Internet, websites


Public Service Media (PSM) in Europe have had to adapt to new scenarios where the Internet is the main platform to inform, communicate and disseminate content to their audiences. Objectives and methodology. We examined websites of Public Service Media organisations in Europe, taking into account the following parameters: positioning, engagement, origin of the audience and device for access. Results. In most cases, time spent by users on sites is limited, the bounce rate is high, users are national and the most frequently used access devices to web contents are mobile. Discussion and conclusions. In some cases, results show that websites belonging to European public broadcasters are not meeting users’ expectations. It is key that operators consider developing more efficient online services when designing their business strategies, as this will inevitably result in greater and better usage of their websites by users.


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Author Biographies

María-Magdalena Rodríguez-Fernández, University of A Coruña

María-Magdalena Rodríguez-Fernández holds a PhD in Economics and Business from the Universidad de A Coruña. She has a degree in Economics and Business from the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. She is Professor at the Department Marketing and Market Research from the Universidad de A Coruña, where she teaches at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Audiovisual Communication and at the Faculty of Sociology, in the MA in Destination Planning and Management and new tourism products. Her lines of research focus on communication, marketing, new technologies and tourism. Her H index is 3 (December 2017). 

Eva Sánchez-Amboage, University of A coruña

Eva Sánchez-Amboage holds a PhD Tourism Management and Planning from the Universidad de A Coruña.  She has a MA in Teachers of ESO, BAC, FP and Language Training from the Universidad de A Coruña. She is professor at the Department of Marketing and Market Research –Faculty of Economics and Business- of the same university. Her research lines are mainly linked to identity management, image, communication and brand reputation on social media of tourism destinations. Her H index is 2 (December 2017). 


Carlos Toural-Bran, Santiago of Compostela University

Carlos Toural-Bran, journalist and professor of Journalism. He works at the Department of Communication Science at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, from which he is vice dean.

He is member of the research group Novos Medios since 2006. His research focus on the analysis of new journalism formats, media convergence, information architecture, social media and scientific dissemination. His H index is 4 (December 2017). 


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Fernández, María-Magdalena, Eva Sánchez-Amboage, and Carlos Toural-Bran. 2018. “Public Service Media in the online arena”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 73 (May):911-26.


