Journalists honored by the Index on Censorship: the fight for freedom of expression in the post-Arab Spring era
freedom of expression, censorship, activists, journalists, cyberspaceAbstract
This study focuses on journalists and media outlets that have defended the freedom of expression and spoke out against censorship in the post-Arab Spring era. Methodology: The findings reported here are based on an examination of statements made by winners of the Index on Censorship’s 2015 Freedom of Expression Awards and an evaluation of the degree to which cyberspace raises the visibility of reporting exposing government oppression, corruption and restriction of free expression and international awareness of such situations. Results and conclusions: Journalists working under conditions that severely impede their ability to practice their profession are increasingly taking activist stances. The Web has become their primary means of drawing attention to the stories they produce and reaching a broad audience. Television and the Internet play a major role in the dissemination of their work. The questionable quality of some of the information exchanged via social media lowers the potential of these channels to promote constructive civil debate
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