The use of WHO recommendations for the prevention of suicide. The case of the newspaper Abc




suicide, prevention, press, SUPRE, Abc, style


Suicide is the first cause of non-natural death in Spain. According to the WHO, a better coverage of suicide by media can become an effective strategy for its prevention. Objective: This study analyses whether WHO recommendations for the coverage of suicide in media has influenced the mediatic treatment of suicide in the ABC newspaper. Methodology: Analysis of news about suicides published in the years 1995, 2000 and 2005. Results: 90 appearances about suicides were identified, observing a significant reduction in the percentage of news that informed about the method used, which informed about suicide as something unexplainable or simplistic and that described the suicide as method to face problems between 1995 and 2005. Conclusions: The informative coverage of Abc suicide has improved between 1995 and 2005 but not in all aspects recommended by the WHO.


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Author Biographies

Fermín Garrido-Fabián, Carlos III University

Graduated in Biology by Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Master’s degree in Journalism and Communication of Science, Technology, Environment and Health by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Master’s degree in Research Journalism, Data and Visualization of Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid. 

Antonio Eleazar Serrano-López, Carlos III University

Certificate in Biblioteconomy and Graduate in Documentation by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, PhD in Documentation with international mention by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Specialist in Quantitative Methods by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Currently, he is Visiting Professor in the department of Biblioteconomy and Documentation. He teaches in his department since 2008 and belongs to the research group “Laboratory of Metric Studies of Information” (LEMI), Unit Associated to CSIC and instituto interuniversitario “Advanced Research about Evaluation of Science and University” (INAECU). Author and reviewer in high impact journals related to infometry, his research lines are focused in the development of methodologies for metric studies, as well as the analysis and evaluation of the scientific activity. Member of the research team in the European Project and collaborator in the creation and update of IUNE Observatory of the Research Activity in Universidad Española.

Daniel Catalán-Matamoros, Carlos III University

Graduate in the Faculty of Communication Sciences and European PhD by Universidad de Málaga, MBA and Master´s degree in Public Health by the Nordic School of Public Health. Author and reviewer in scientific journals of communication and health like Patient Education and Counselling, Gaceta Sanitaria and Revista Española de Salud Pública. He participated as guest professor in different Universities and national and international congresses. He was worked in national and international organizations, as well as the Health Ministry, Social Services and Equality of Spain, the European Centre on Prevention and Disease control and in World Health Organization. He is partner-founder and vice-president of the Spanish Association on Health Communication, as well as Chief Editor of the Revista Española de Comunicación en Salud. Currently, he is professor of the Department of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.


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How to Cite

Garrido-Fabián, Fermín, Antonio Eleazar Serrano-López, and Daniel Catalán-Matamoros. 2018. “The use of WHO recommendations for the prevention of suicide. The case of the newspaper Abc”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 73 (April):810-27.


