Compositional visualization of intermedia agenda setting by the main media groups and political parties in the Spanish 2015 General Elections




compositional data (CoDa), biplot, media groups, political communication, intermedia agendasetting


This article presents the compositional biplot as an innovative methodological approach to visualize intermedia agenda-setting in the study of the media and political agendas. As an illustration, we use a content analysis of the main Spanish media groups (RTVE, Prisa, Vocento, Unidad Editorial, COPE, Atresmedia, Planeta, Godó, Mediaset España and Libertad Digital) and main Spanish political parties (Partido Popular, Partido Socialista Obrero Español, Podemos, Ciudadanos e Izquierda Unida), within the framework of the Spanish General Election period of 2015. In opposition to traditional approaches, compositional analysis in general and the biplot in particular, emphasize the relative relevance of the contents within the agenda. The representation confirms the methodological soundness of the approach, while providing a novel view of the case under study and visualizing the representation of the intermedia agenda-setting.


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Author Biographies

Marc Blasco-Duatis, University of Girona

Marc Blasco Duatis is a graduate in Advertising and Public Relations (University of Girona) and a graduate in Communication Sciences (Open University of Catalonia). He has a master’s degree in Communication and Journalism (University of Coimbra, Portugal) and he is a Research Trainee (IF-UdG) and doctoral student in political communication of the Research Group in Statistics, Econometrics and Health (GRECS) at the University of Girona (UdG).

He is a researcher in ‘New Technologies and Social Uses’ coordinated by professor Dr. Isabel Ferin Cunha of the ‘Centre for Media and Journalism Research’ (Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal) with ‘Santander Iberoamérica de Investigación 2016 Grant'.

His lines of research focus on the study of political communication, methodologies for studying agenda-setting, transmedia, the impact of new technologies in the educational sphere and analysing opinion formers in media political debates.  

Germà Coenders Gallart, University of Girona

Germà Coenders Gallart has a Ph. D in Business Administration and Management (Ramon Llull University, 1996) and is a Professor of Quantitative Methods for the Economy and Business in the Economics Department of the University of Girona. At this university he belongs to the Research Group in Statistics, Econometrics and Health (GRECS), the Autonomous Government of Catalonia consolidated research group Compositional and Spatial Data Analysis -COSDA- (2014SGR551) , the Food and Gastronomy Campus and the Quality of Life Institute. His areas of specialization are survey research methods, models with latent variables used in treating measurement errors and the analysis of compositional data (he is a founding member of the European Survey Research Association and of the Association for Compositional Data). He has published three books and over 50 articles in indexed journals on these three subjects. 

He has previously taught or currently teaches the subjects statistics, econometrics, survey and research methods in different bachelor’s and master’s degrees and Ph.D. courses in the Economics, Law and Tourism Faculties of the University of Girona, in ESADE (Ramon Llull University) and at the Social Sciences Faculty of the University of Ljubljana.

Marc Sáez, University of Girona

After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Economic Science and Business Studies (1986) and completing my Ph.D. in Mathematics (1990) at the University of Barcelona, I started to work as a teaching assistant in Statistics and Economics at the same university, where I went on to become a senior lecturer in 1991. In 1994, I was on secondment at the University of Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona and in 1995 I joined the University of Girona, where I became a Professor in Statistics and Econometrics in 2003. I have authored 170 articles published in indexed journals in the JCR ISI, 64 of which were in the last 5 years; 80 in the first quartile, 35 of which were in the last 5 years. I have published 27 articles in non-indexed journals, 18 books and 11 chapters of book. I lead the Research Group in Statistics, Econometrics and Health (GRECS) of the University of Girona, a consolidated research group at a national (CIBER of Epidemiology and Public Health) and regional level.  I am a member of the Group of Experts on Climate Change in Catalonia (Excellence Group). I am also an associate researcher of the Economy and Health Research Centre (CRES), Pompeu Fabra University. I have lead a Work Package of a competitive European Project, 7 national competitive projects and five regional competitive projects. I have worked as a researcher on 3 European projects, 19 at a national level and 7 at a regional level. I have lead 11 non-competitive research projects, 37 research contracts and 21 agreements without reimbursement. I have supervised 18 already defended doctoral dissertations and I am currently supervising a further eight. I have also supervised 12 master’s dissertations.

I have been awarded four research ‘sexenios’ (six-year periods of research), one of which is currently active. I have been given 14 research prizes and 5 post-doctoral grants. 

I am currently waiting for a patent to be approved and I have two annotations in the Intellectual Property Register.

I have organised over 20 workshops, courses and seminars.

I am a member of various national and international committees.

Regarding university management, apart from having held the position of head of the Economics Department of the University of Girona, I have been a member of the Government Board of the University of Girona and a member of several of its commissions.

I am a Chartered Statistician of the Royal Statistical Society and a Chartered Scientist of the Research Council.


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How to Cite

Blasco-Duatis, M., Coenders Gallart, . G. ., & Sáez, M. (2018). Compositional visualization of intermedia agenda setting by the main media groups and political parties in the Spanish 2015 General Elections. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (73), 264–292.


