My Time: Incidence of on demand television in the evolution of ‘prime time’ in Spain




On demand television, prime time, television audiences, media planning, interactive television


The aim of this research is to analyze the impact of television à la carte on prime time audiences in Spain. The emergence of different television channels over the last few years has led to a fragmentation of the audience in terms of the television offer and the particular tastes of each individual among the audience, which has reached the maximum expression since the moment that viewers can choose the content they want, whenever they prefer. The catalyst for this evolution in the consumption of television is technology in general and internet in particular, which together offer the necessary devices so that the consumer of audiovisual content can access them in the fastest and most comfortable way. Methodology: The research is based on quantitative elements such as the analysis of the audiences obtained by the main programs in television in Spain between the years 2002 and 2015, and is complemented with relevant qualitative evaluations that include the contributions of professionals who represent the main companies in the sector. Results and conclusions: Television is valued as a relevant medium, but with nuances in terms of programs and how to consume this television.   


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Author Biographies

Marc Polo-López, Ramón Llull University

Marc is PhD in Advanced Communication awarded with Outstanding Cum Laude by Universitat Ramon Llull, and dedicates his research specifically to audiences in media, the relationship they have with advertisement and the new forms of interacting with consumers. He is Associate Professor of the Faculty of Communications and International Relations Blanquerna - Universitat Ramon Llull, teaching about Strategy and Media Planning, and about Research applied to project’s development.

PhD Polo has developed his professional career in managing job positions in media agencies of national and international scope working for clients such as Danone, Novartis, Montblanc or Reebok.

Giorgia Miotto, Ramón Llull, University

Giorgia is PhD in Advanced Communication awarded with Outstanding Cum Laude by Universitat Ramon Llull, and focuses her research to the relationship between corporate legitimacy and the new media. She is professor of the Faculty of Communication and International Relations Blanquerna - Universitat Ramon Llull, teaching about New Media, Communication Strategies, Marketing and CSR and Sustainability. PhD Miotto has developed her professional career in managing job positions in Marketing Departments of different companies in several European countries: EADA Business School in Barcelona, Symantec in Holland, IBM in Ireland and Citibank in Barcelona. Giorgia has been member of the Executive Committee of the “Spanish Network on United Nations World Pact” (UN Global Compact) and PRME (Principle for Responsible Management Educations - United Nations).

Joan Francesc Fondevila-Gascón, Pompeu Fabra University

Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón is PhD on Journalism awarded with Outstanding Cum Laude by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, First Prize of Cable Telecommunication Networks, First Prize

Connexió and twice First Prize of Research of Regional Press. His research lines focus on digital journalism, telecommunications and broad band, Internet, HbbTV and social networks. PhD Fondevila has published more than a hundred papers in journals of scientific impact and several monographic editions. He is accredited as Full University Professor by ANECA and as Associate Professor by AQU, and has a six-year period of research acknowledged by AQU. Currently, he teaches in the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, URL, EU Mediterrani (UdG), UOC, UB, UAB, EAE (UPC) and Euncet (UPC). PhD Fondevila is director of the Cable Studies Center (CECABLE) and author of the scientific blog, international leader in his areas of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Polo-López, Marc, Giorgia Miotto, and Joan Francesc Fondevila-Gascón. 2018. “My Time: Incidence of on demand television in the evolution of ‘prime time’ in Spain”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 73 (February):208-27.




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