Cultural industries and character composition in children’s animated television series broadcast in Spain




Television, Spain, animated television series, cultural industry, audiovisual contents, children’s collective imagination


Animated television series are one of the most popular audiovisual media formats consumed by Spanish children. Methods: The study is based on the analysis of 432 leading characters from 352 children’s animated series broadcast in Spain television, since its beginning until 2015. Data were obtained from different websites specialised in this subject. As most data were nominal, the statistical analysis was based on chi square tests, contingency tables and coefficients. Results and conclusions: There are significant differences across the animated series in terms of character composition (age, morphology, sex and aesthetic) and factors such as nationality and production year. There is an elite of production companies with distinctive cultural patterns, especially the productions from the USA, Japan and Spain.


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Author Biographies

Félix Ortega-Mohedano , University of Salamanca

Félix Ortega-Mohedano (Salamanca, 1973) is Associated Professor at the Department of Sociology and Audiovisual Communication of the University of Salamanca, Spain. Academic Dean of the University Institute of Education Sciences Research and Director of the MA degree programme in Audiovisual Communication, Research and Innovation of the same University. Author of research work on audiences, communication and education, audiovisual media structure and economy, published in Spanish and international journals. Member of the national R&D project and director of the European project Webdatanet Cost Action IS1004.

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Alvaro Jiménez-Sánchez , Technical University of Ambato

Álvaro Jiménez-Sánchez (Mérida, 1981) holds a PhD degree in Communication and BA degree in Psychology from the University of Salamanca. Professor in the BA programme in Social Communication and Associate Researcher at the Research and Development Directorate of the Technical University of Ambato. Director of several research projects on health communication. Currently directs a research project on the reduction of violence and sexism through the use of strategies in edu-entertainment. Co-Director of the Media and Communication Observatory (OMYCO)

José María Lavín, Technical University of Ambato

José María Lavín (Santander, 1971) holds a PhD degree in Information Systems and an MA degree in Decision Science, both from the Rey Juan Carlos University (Spain); an MA degree in European Union–Latin America International Cooperation from the Mora Institute (Mexico); a BA degree in Political Science and Sociology from UNED (Spain). Researcher in the areas of citizen participation and cinematography. Former co-director of the Castro Urdiales Film Library (Cantabria) for two years. Professor-researcher at the School of Jurisprudence and Social Sciences of the Technical University of Ambato


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How to Cite

Ortega-Mohedano , F. ., Jiménez-Sánchez , A., & Lavín, J. M. (2018). Cultural industries and character composition in children’s animated television series broadcast in Spain. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (73), 74–88.




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