Techno Society: The role of ICT in the social relationships




ICT, Networked Individualism, Computer Based Communication, Social Media


Wellman, in his model of “networked individualism”, describes how, since the industrial revolution, the growth of public transportation and telecommunications systems, have allowed a change in the nature of social relations.  In this context, social networks are presented as three different models: with the same nature of personal relationships, as a complement to direct communication or with differential characteristics. Methodology: The objective of this article is to analyze the extent to which communication through ICT (Internet and mobile telephony) influences the type and intensity of direct personal relationships that today have young people. For this purpose, the questionnaire has been used as an instrument for collecting information with a sample of 430 first-year university students. Results and conclusions: The results show that young people maintain stable networks in their social relationships and use ICT to increase the frequency and intensity of their interactions with their inner circle (friends, family and classmates). That social networks represent a complement to direct personal relationships.


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Author Biographies

Carmen Sabater Fernández, University of La Rioja

She currently holds the position of "Profesora Contratada Interina" (interim lecturer)

Lines of investigation: New technologies; poverty and social exclusion; bullying; privacy

H index: 11

Ion Martínez Lorea, University of La Rioja

He currently holds the position of "Profesor Asociado" (associate professor)

Lines of investigation: Urban sociology

H index: 3

Raúl Santiago Campión, University of La Rioja

He currently holds the position of "Profesor Titular acreditado" (accredited full professor)

Lines of investigation: New technologies; education

H index: 10


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How to Cite

Sabater Fernández, Carmen, Ion Martínez Lorea, and Raúl Santiago Campión. 2017. “Techno Society: The role of ICT in the social relationships”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 72 (December):1592-1607.


