Analysis of communication factors influencing customer loyalty among university students




University, students, loyalty, services, communication channels, institutional affiliation


For all types of organisations, having a portfolio of loyal customers has become the social, economic and brand foundation that allows them to remain standing in the changing and unstable environment currently faced by companies. Based on this scenario, and as part of a process of continuous improvement, this research aims to establish guidelines to build customer loyalty among Ecuador’s distance-learning undergraduate students, through strategies linked to the improvement of customer service and communication channels, which allow strengthening the sense of belonging of university students. This research is based on the case study of an Ecuadorian university. The relation between this institution and its heterogenous publics is based on the analysis of the opinions of undergraduate distance-learning students. The field work was carried out with a mixed approach that combined qualitative and quantitative data collection instruments (interviews and surveys, respectively), which allowed for the analysis of the stakeholders’ points of view and the drawing of strategic communication guidelines to build customer loyalty.


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Author Biographies

Vanessa Karina Duque Rengel, Private Technical University of Loja

PhD student in “Contemporary communication and information” at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). MA in “Commercial and institutional communication management” from the University of the Americas (Quito-Ecuador). Part-time professor at the Private Technical University of Loja, in the undergraduate programmes in public relations, social communication and managerial assistance and public relations, since 2013. Four years of professional experience in radio journalism in Loja.

Researcher in the area of corporate communication. Author and co-author of several scientific and informative articles.

Mónica Elisabeth Abendaño Ramírez, Private Technical University of Loja

Professor of corporate image and advertising at the Private Technical University of Loja. PhD and MA degrees in Communication and Creative Industries, both from the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), and Postgraduate Diplomas in Strategic marketing management, and in Corporate communication.
Marketing manager of the Private Technical University of Loja. Member of the quality teams of the undergraduate programmes in Social Communication, Public Relations and the MA programme in Communication and Digital culture.

Author of publications on consumption, mass media uses, audiences, reception, media literacy, advertising and digital branding. Member of the Alfamed network. Currently working on two research projects: Media skills in teenagers and Media consumption and use among young Ecuadorians.

Andrea Victoria Velásquez Benavides, Technical Particular University of Loja

Master’s degree in Communication management from the University of Murcia (Spain) and Diploma in Strategic business communication from the Monterrey Institute of Technology (Campus Ecuador).

Professor of business administration, human resources, human relations, ethics, leadership and creativity, conflict negotiation and resolution, public relations, and organisational communication in the undergraduate programmes in Social Communication and Public Relations of the Private Technical University of Loja.

Research professor at the Department of Communication Sciences in the undergraduate programmes in Social communication and Public relations. Co-creator of DialogusCI, the Internal virtual communication network in Ibero-America.


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How to Cite

Duque Rengel, V. K. ., Abendaño Ramírez, M. E., & Velásquez Benavides, A. V. (2017). Analysis of communication factors influencing customer loyalty among university students. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 751–764.




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