Ludologic design and augmented reality. The game experience in Pokémon Go! (Niantic, 2016)




Video Games, Augmented Reality, Ludology, Narratology, Pokémon Go!


The main objective in our research is to identify the narrative and ludological processes between the Pokemon Go! players, the most relevant “augmented reality” video game till now. Methodology: We applied a socio-metric tool validated by different professionals to 332 gamers selected with a non-probabilistic but incidental strategy. Results and conclusions: The results reveal that we can´t find a correlation between the previous narrative knowdlege of the Pokémon universe with the perception of the ludofictional processes of the game. The insight of the gamers are more connected with the mechanics, rules and objectives of the game by itself. Our research contributes by the proposal of a new tool for measuring the quantitative inputs of the ludological perceptions. At the same time, we propose for the first time a quantitative research based on the game habits of an augmented reality product.


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Author Biographies

Aarón Rodríguez Serrano, Jaume I University

Ph. D. In Comunication Studies. Researcher in the Universitat Jaume I (Castellon). Postgraduate in History and Aesthetic of Cinematography (Universidad de Valladolid) and secretary of the Post Graduate in New Trends and Processes of Communication (UJI).

Graduated in philosophy (UNED), and egresated of the Yad-Vashem seminars (Jerusalem). He has published several books, including Apocalipsis pop! El cine de las sociedades del malestar (Ed. Notorious, 2012) and Espejos en Auschwitz: Apuntes sobre cine y Holocausto (Ed. Shangrila, 2015).

Marta Martín-Núñez, Jaume I University

Ph. D. In Communication (UJI). She teaches photography and narrative video game design. She has contributed as a researcher visitor to the Digital Cultures Research Center (Persasive Media, Bristol) and in Roehampton University (London).

Since 2016, she´s the director of the Communication Lab of the UJI. Member of the board in L´atalante Journal, in the Nau LLibre´s collection Guias para ver y analizar and editor in adComunica. Revista Científica de Estrategias, Tendencias e Innovación en Comunicación.

Samuel Gil-Soldevila, Jaime I University

Grantee (PDI-MINECO) working in his Ph. D. On the University Jaume I. Post graduate student of the Master in New Trends and Processes of Inovation in Communication. Degree in Advertising (UJI) and in Theology (Facultad Adventista de Teología de Sagunto).

He is studying methodologies of research in communication and the connection between the brands, the advertising and the new ways of spirituality


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Serrano, A., Martín-Núñez, M., & Gil-Soldevila, S. (2017). Ludologic design and augmented reality. The game experience in Pokémon Go! (Niantic, 2016). Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 667–678.


