The best workers. The image in the us press of the gallician labourers in the Panama Canal (1906-1915)




galician emigration, Panama Canal, press United States, propaganda, public relations


This paper analyzes the image of the Galician workers who participated in the construction of the Panama Canal in the United States press. The main objective is to find out what are the most relevant aspects of their ethnic characterization and to what extent the American newspapers reproduced or departed from the stereotypes of Galicians, both in Spain and Latin America. And, at the same time, to investigate the causes of these ethnic characterizations and possible propagandistic interests, since the construction of this seaway arose not only out of a need for communication between two oceans but also as a project for the image of this country as a new world power. Through qualitative techniques and a wide selection of news and reports on the object of study, several categories of analysis are established, that show that the profile of Galicians who represented most newspapers tried to avoid the negative stigma that, in general, it was attributed to the Spaniards after the military confrontation in 1898, as backward and lazy people. Influenced by a campaign led by the Canal construction company and the US government, some American newspapers recognized Galician immigrants with broad work qualities, to prevent public opinion from relating them to the decadent image of Spain that anti-Spanish propaganda had spread in the late nineteenth century.


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Author Biographies

Alberto Pena-Rodríguez, University of Vigo

Alberto Pena-Rodríguez has a Ph.D. (with a European Mention) in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid, in History from the UNED, and is an associate professor of History of Propaganda at the University of Vigo. Among other universities, he has been a professor or visiting researcher at Harvard University, University of California Berkeley, Brown University, and the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. Among his latest publications are News on the American dream. A history of the Portuguese press in the United States (University of Massachusetts Press, in press) and Salazar and Franco. The alliance of Iberian fascism against republican Spain: diplomacy, press, and propaganda (Ediciones Trea, 2017).

David Formoso, University of Vigo

David Formoso-Vázquez is a journalist and associate professor at the University of Vigo for which he has a doctorate in social sciences. His main line of research is the history of communication to which his articles The representation in the Spanish press of the speech of President Theodore Roosevelt in defense of the construction of the Panama Canal or The Spanish workers in the construction of the Panama Canal: their image in the Spanish press (1906-1909) respond. As a journalist, he carried out this profession for 27 years at RTVE, of which during 17 he held various positions of responsibility in Galicia. He also worked in El País, La Voz de Galicia, and El Correo Gallego. He is awarded "Mestre Mateo" for the documentary Man, home sen paz.


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How to Cite

Pena-Rodríguez, Alberto, and David Formoso. 2021. “The best workers. The image in the us press of the gallician labourers in the Panama Canal (1906-1915)”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 79 (March):89-111.


