Political and private life in the 2012 Basque parliamentary election. Study of the format “A day with the candidate”





Transparency, private life, political marketing, body language, nonverbal language, iconic analysis


Politics play a leading role in today’s society and this protagonism is not only based on the political discourse of candidates and parties but also on the exposure of the most personal aspects of politicians. That is why in recent times politicians try to show and share more about their professional and most private spheres. Methods: This study is based on the in-depth content analysis of four feature articles about the candidates participating in the 2012 Basque parliamentary election. Research results: Despite the efforts of the media to offer a balanced and neutral framing of the candidates in the four feature articles, there are substantial differences in terms of genres and photojournalistic styles, as well as the linguistic treatment of images. Discussion: The objective is not to determine how the candidate is perceived, but to establish how the candidate is shown, based on the analysis and measurement of several variables. Conclusions: There is a clear discrepancy between the textual narrative and the images that accompany the feature articles, which creates a cognitive dissonance in readers.


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Author Biographies

Francisco Javier Ruiz San Miguel, University of Málaga

Javier Ruiz San Miguel holds a Ph.D. degree in Information Sciences from the University of the Basque Country. He is Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the School of Communication Sciences of the University of Malaga, for the past 19 years, specialised in image theory and technique and communication theory. Former associate professor at the University of the Basque Country, for 9 years. Communication professional, specialised in the different areas of the image, from 1976 to 1998, in the daily press, magazines, television and cinema. Author of 9 books, more than 20 scientific essays and countless graphic and audiovisual works.

His areas of research are image theory, the consequences of the digital transition in the productive processes of the image, the spectacle of the media and the new communicative uses in the environments and tools 2.0.

Fermín Galindo Arranz, University of Santiago de Compostela

Fermín Galindo holds a PhD degree in Information Sciences from the University of the Basque Country (1992). Full Professor of Journalism in the University of Santiago de Compostela, where he works regularly in the MA programme in Marketing and Political Communication of the School of Political Science and Administration. Author of numerous books and works, including: Fundamentos de Comunicación Política (“The fundamentals of political communication”) (1998), A Comunicación Política Hoxe (“Political communication today”) (1999), Ámbitos del Periodismo de Precisión (“Areas of Precision Journalism”) (2004), Las notas de la prensa (“The notes of the press”) (2010) and Siete Picas. Entre la Ciencia y el Periodismo (“Seven Spades. Between science and journalism”) (2016). Currently teaches communication research methods and interpretive and opinion genres.

Sonia Ruiz Blanco, University of Málaga

Sonia Blanco holds a PhD degree in Audiovisual Communication and a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism from the University of Malaga. Professor at the School of Communication Sciences of the University of Malaga, where she teaches subjects related to the use of new social media (blogs, podcasts and videoblogs, among others), as tools for reflection and learning.

First Vice-Dean of the Andalusian College of Professional Journalists. Guest professor in different universities, including the University of Konkuk (Seoul, South Korea), Monteávila University (Caracas, Venezuela) and the University of Antioquia (Medellin, Colombia). Trainer in journalistic companies such as Cadena Capriles in Caracas, Venezuela.

Regular lecturer and teacher on these topics. Her interventions include her participation in the Scripps Howard seminar on journalistic ethics organised by the International Centre for Journalists (ICFJ) in Washington DC, in the panel “The ethics of journalism in the digital age: Blogging, Podcasting and information on open sources”, as well as eFindex, and the conferences on B&M blogs and media. More details available at: http://www.soniablanco.es/actividades-sonia-blanco/


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How to Cite

Ruiz San Miguel, F. J., Galindo Arranz, F., & Ruiz Blanco, S. (2016). Political and private life in the 2012 Basque parliamentary election. Study of the format “A day with the candidate”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (71), 1323–1343. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2016-1148




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