Contribution of users in building digital content in the mainstream media of the Andean Community




Cibermedia, citizen journalism, interactivity, digital content


Achieve a participation of users with a journalistic tone has become the greatest challenge of digital media of the Andean Community (CAN) and the world. This research analyzes the forms of interaction, means to interact, models, and tools that online media have for the user to input relevant data. Digital Newspapers under study are: “El Comercio” in Peru, “El Tiempo” in Colombia, “El Deber” in Bolivia and “El Universo” in Ecuador. Methodology. It is based on a qualitative and quantitative research type, by observing digital media for two weeks, to determine levels of interactivity and participation of citizens, criteria and ratings that they give to the news. Results. The research concludes that the participation of users provides credibility, keeps digital media alive and fulfills the purpose of online media which is to educate, entertain and train its audience. Users can also be producers of new content and practice responsible citizen journalism.


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Author Biographies

Diana Elizabeth Rivera Rogel, Technical Particular University of Loja

Dr. Rogel is a Professor of Print Media.

She has a Degree in Social Communication that she obtained from the Technical University of Loja, Ecuador in 2006. In addition, she has the following titles: DEA by the University ‘Santiago de Compostela’, Spain as well as a PhD in Communication and Journalism from Santiago de Compostela, Spain University.

From 2012-2014 she was the Director of the Department of Communication Sciences at the Technical University of Loja. She was also International Co-editor of the scientific journal ‘Comunicar’. Dr. Rogel is currently the Director of social and humanistic Area at the Technical University of Loja.

Dr. Rogel has also participated in five funded research projects, such as: "Communication history of Ecuador: Newspapers, Radio, Television, Photography and Digital Media "," Study on the state of the newspaper company in Ecuador "," Map of the communication of Ecuador "," Analysis of the agenda ‘Setting’ of the media of television, Print and Digital communication of Ecuador" and Audiovisual media literacy.

In 2012, she was selected by UNESCO and FELAFACS to teach the Online Journalism module / multimedia for the countries of the Andean Region.

Gianella Carrión Salinas, Technical Particular University of Loja

She is a Technician in the Research Department of Communication Sciences at the Technical University of Loja.

She has a Degree in Social Communication that she obtained from the Technical University of Loja.

In addition to covering news for UTPL institutional media such as: radio, press, television and managed institutional accounts on social networks for a year and half, she was also in charge of Public Relations accounts of national and international events at UTPL for six months

Jhoana Córdova Camacho, Technical Particular University of Loja

She is Professor of Introduction to Communication subject, she has a Certification in Social Communication at Technical University of Loja since 2007.

She also has a Degree in Social Communication at the Technical University of Loja, Ecuador: She has the following titles in higher education: Higher Diploma in Print Media by the Technical University of Loja and Master in Engineering and Knowledge Management from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil.

From 2010 to 2014, she was responsible for communication of the Inter-American Organization. From 2012 to date coordinates the research Communication for Peace UNESCO Chair of Culture and Education for Peace.

She has participated in several funded projects: ALFA - INFOACES which stands for comprehensive information system on Institutions of Higher Education in Latin America; Training in leadership skills to students of private and public schools of the city of Loja, through parliamentary methods of persuasion, negotiation, writing and speaking, respect for human rights; Water management, conflict justice and peace; Implementation of a common space of Higher Education. VERTEBRALCUE which is the Strategic Communication Observatory in Ecuador: current status, trends, measurement and evaluation; Educommunication research program and Digital Culture in Ecuador Zone 7; Improving teaching experience through the use of portfolio and rubrics; Rating innovativeness UTPL through the application of the model MIES.


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How to Cite

Rivera Rogel, D. E., Carrión Salinas, G. ., & Córdova Camacho, J. (2016). Contribution of users in building digital content in the mainstream media of the Andean Community. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (71), 1131–1150.


