Video in the Spanish digital ‘press’: 2010-2015




Video, digital journalism, online news media, audiovisual journalism


The use of video in online news media has become very important in recent years. These audiovisual pieces are fundamental for the new digital news media to attract the attention of readers. Methods: This article uses classic content analysis to examine the video production of five Spanish digital newspapers from 2010 to 2015. The analysis of the video production focuses on genres, formats, structures, origins and contents. Results and conclusions: The video production of the Spanish online news media, after a period of sustained growth, has become stagnated in recent years. The videos published by digital news media are moving away from the classical audiovisual narrative, firstly, because of the influence of the great presence of outsourced productions, which includes pieces that are very distant from the classic journalistic standards, and secondly, as a result of the trends in in-house video productions that seek originality and new narrative formulas.


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Author Biographies

Javier Mayoral Sánchez, Complutense University of Madrid

Javier Mayoral Sanchez holds a PhD degree in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid and a Bachelor’s degree in Hispanic Philology. Professor at the Department of Journalism I of the School of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid (since 2000) and at the Camilo José Cela University.

His research work has focused on three major areas: the audiovisual narrative, the use of information sources and the work of columnist Francisco Umbral. His publications include Redacción periodística: medios, géneros y formatos(“Journalistic writing: media, genres and formats”) (2013); La creatividad transgresora en las columnas de Francisco Umbral (“Transgressive creativity in the columns by Francisco Umbral”) (2011); El uso periodístico de las fuentes en radio y televisión (“The use of journalistic sources in radio and television”) (2009); and Redacción periodística en televisión (“Journalistic writing in television”) (2008).

His career as a journalist has developed in the Telemadrid News Services, where he worked from March 1991 to February 2012. In 2000 and 2001, he directed of the weekend news programmes. In 2000 he received the Larra Prize awarded by the Press Association of Madrid (APM).

-index in Google Scholar: 3.

Paloma Abejón Mendoza, Complutense University of Madrid

Associate Professor at the Department of Journalism I of the Complutense University of Madrid since 2005. Professor of “Journalistic writing: informational and interpretative genres”, “Interviewing techniques”, “Feature report techniques”, “Investigative journalism”; and, currently, “Analysis of literary texts: article and essay”.

PhD in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid since 2009. Her professional career has developed mainly in newspapers (El Progreso de LugoLa Voz de Galicia), where she has worked in the local and national sections and as a correspondent. She has also worked as head of political communication departments, both in local governments and at the Congress of Deputies. She is currently a member of several research groups focused on social networks and citizens’ political disaffection.

Author of book chapters, including: Relación entre la demanda de competencias en el Mercado Laboral y la Universidad. El caso de Periodismo (“Relationship between the competencies demanded in the labour market and the University. The case of journalism”); Uso y abuso de la intencionalidad en las noticias (“Use and abuse of intentionality in news”); and Nuevas formas de gestión en el siglo XXI: ¿Sirve la transparencia para frenar la desafección de los ciudadanos a la política? (“New forms of management in the XXI century: Does transparency curbs citizens’ political disaffection?”).

Author of journal articles, including: such as “Estado del periodismo de opinión en España: polarización, género y emolumentos” (“State of opinion journalism in Spain: polarisation, gender and emoluments”) (2010), in Zer; “Nuevos entornos, nuevas demandas, nuevos periodistas” (“New environments, new demands, new journalists”) (2010) in Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico; “Facebook y Twitter en campañas electorales en España” (“Facebook and Twitter on election campaigns in Spain”) (2012) in Disertaciones; and “La matriz de la opinión en los periódicos: el artículo editorial” (“Matrix of opinion in newspapers: the editorial article”) (2014) in Sphera Pública.

Participant in numerous conferences with papers related to her specialties, including “La opinión como elemento distorsionador de la información como bien público” (“Opinion as a distorting element of information as a public good”), delivered at the VII International meeting between information and communication researchers (Madrid, 2014); “La modernización e innovación de los gabinetes de prensa como elemento generador o perversor de la información” (“The modernisation and innovation of the press offices as a generator or distorter of information”), delivered at the V Conference of Sociology Professors (Malaga, 2015); “Las Tics como elemento generador de exclusión social entre los jóvenes” (“ICT as a generator of social exclusion among young people”), delivered at the XXVII International Seminar of the AISOC Latin American Association (Montevideo, Uruguay, 2015); and “Influencia de las nuevas tecnologías en la prensa y los procesos de opinión pública: una nueva cultura periodística” (“Influence of new technologies in the press and public opinion processes: a new journalistic culture”), delivered at the XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology (Yokohama, Japan, 2014).

Montserrat Morata Santos, Complutense University of Madrid

Research professor at the Department of Journalism I of the School of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid, where she teaches Journalistic writing and New writing trends.

PhD in Journalism, Master’s degree in Journalism and Bachelor’s degree in Journalism, all from the Complutense University of Madrid. Research fellow at the Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po Paris and the Bibliothèque National de France. Certification of Pedagogical Fitness in Spanish language and literature.

She has worked for more than 12 years as journalist in different print and audiovisual media, such as Europa Press, Qué!esMADRIDmagazine and esMADRIDtv. Currently collaborates with various publications. She also teaches journalism and literature in taught courses, doctoral seminars and conferences.

Author of scientific and general-interest articles, the Aviones de papelseries, and the first biography published in Spain of the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, which received the Stella Maris Biographies and Memoirs Prize in 2016. Author of poems collected in various anthologies.

Her research works focus in three large areas: the journalistic work of Antoine of Saint-Exupéry, on which she has carried out a pioneering research that includes the recovery of unknown texts; the analysis of literary and journalistic writing; and the expressive forms of the journalistic language.


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How to Cite

Mayoral Sánchez, J. ., Abejón Mendoza, P., & Morata Santos, M. (2016). Video in the Spanish digital ‘press’: 2010-2015. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (71), 775–799.


