The name of the corporate brand. A taxonomy of the names of family business in Spain




Corporate name, brand name, patronymic, family business, naming


In this work we carry out a critical review of the literature on brand name. We examine the most frequent criteria for brand naming and we put forward a new taxonomy based on the patronym. Methodology: We propose new denominative categories by combining the already existing ones. For this we start from a sample of business names of Spanish family firms, with the approach of variables and sub-variables which refer to denominative criteria and distinctive traits of the company. Results: An original taxonomy of patronyms, from the analysis of the business names of family firms, which is a step forward in academic and applied research processes on corporate naming.


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Author Biographies

Alberto Pinillos Laffón, University of Alicante

2015. Canelobre Magazine. "Observable denominative criteria in corporate names of family businesses". Author: Alberto Pinillos Laffón. ISSN: 0213-0467 Pages. Nº: 116-123.

2015. Mediterranean Journal of Communication. “Corporate names in family businesses in Alicante (Spain). Denominative criteria ”. Author: Alberto Pinillos Laffón. ISSN: 1989-872X. DOI:

2015. Magazine of the Complutense University of Madrid. “Annual Report 2015. Business communication and the management of intangibles in Spain and Latin America”. Authors: Fernando Olivares, María Teresa Benlloch and Alberto Pinillos Laffón. ISSN: 2255-1980.

2015. Brandtrends Scientific Magazine “Towards a new taxonomy in the elaboration of corporate names and language in today's company”. Authors: Alberto Pinillos and Fernando Olivares. University of Alicante (Spain) October 2015. Selected to be published in the Brandtrends Scientific Journal (outubro / 2015). ISSN nº 2237-8529, belonging to the International Association of Branding Researchers.

1991. Showcase Magazine. Volume 3. Author: Alberto Pinillos. "The name and the advertising slogan: the name in the slogan and the slogan as a name." P. 17-25. ISSN: 1131-7752.

Fernando Olivares Delgado, University of Alicante

Fernando Olivares Delgado is a tenured professor of Communication and Business Identity at the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences of the University of Alicante (UA), Spain.

Director of the Chair of Family Business at the UA, since 2009. Extraordinary Doctorate Award UA (2005). Doctor, author of the first doctoral thesis in Spanish on Sustainability and Communication (2002), Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Direction of several doctoral theses and research projects on topics related to the management of intangibles, communication and brand.

Member of the ministerial research project on urban reputation, directed by Professor Mr. Justo Villafañe. Member of the research project on the research system in Spain on social practices of Communication. Map of Projects Groups, Lines, Objects of study and Methods, (Mapcom), directed by Professor José Luis Piñuel Raigada. Coordinator and co-author of the book Rebelión en las Marcas (Editorial Lid, 2012).

Co-author of “Brand placement: integration of brands in audiovisual fiction, (Gedisa, 2006). Author of various publications and articles in scientific journals and lecturer in scientific and business forums. Co-director of the University Master of Communication and Creative Industries of the University of Alicante.

Professor in the Master of Design and Identity (Universitat de Barcelona, ​​Porto). Stay at the University of the Americas (UDLA, Quito, Ecuador).

Everis Foundation Essay (6,000 euros), for Rebellion in brands (2012) and award for the best presentation of the XIX AEDEMO Television Forum.

Deputy Director of the Department of Sociology II, Communication and Psychology (2002-2004, UA). Director of the Chair of Family Business at the University of Alicante, since 2009.

Daniel Rodríguez Valero, University of Alicante

Daniel Rodríguez Valero (1973), a native of Granada and professor of graphic design; He graduated in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona, ​​where he also completed a postgraduate degree in digital typography and received a doctorate with the highest grade with the thesis Digital Typography: Proposal for a new parametric system for the design and digitization of alphabets.

He has won an ADI medal for industrial design, an Accesit Ensayo award from the Everis Foundation, a Juan de Yciar award for editorial quality and the Platinum Clap (first prize) for the best text typeface in 2015. Professionally he has worked with some of the most important companies in Alicante (CAM and Jofel Industrial as the most prominent), with graphic and product design projects. During that time he was a professor at the University of Barcelona; Now he is full time at the University of Alicante (advertising degree) and dedicates all his effort to writing and publishing informative and scientific texts, as well as attending the best conferences as a speaker (such as ATypI and the International Typography Congress) .

He directs the Postgraduate Program in Online Communication at the University of Alicante, which includes courses in web design and social media; He is also a professor in the videogame creation course at the University of Alicante; He gives classes in the official master's degree Typography: discipline and uses (Barcelona, ​​Universitat de Barcelona) and in the Iberian Master in design (Oporto, Alquimia da Cor and Universitat de Barcelona).

He programs computer applications related to typography together with Marc Antoni Malagarriga i Picas, designs typefaces with Eduardo Herrera, Leire Fernández and María Pérez. Member of the Lletraferits typographic collective.


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How to Cite

Pinillos Laffón, A. ., Olivares Delgado, F. ., & Rodríguez Valero, D. . (2016). The name of the corporate brand. A taxonomy of the names of family business in Spain. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (71), 750–774.


