International comparison of the use of digital resources in digital sports journalism: case studies from Spain and France




digital sports journalism, hypertextuality, multimedia, interactivity, As, L’Équipe


Digital journalism is rapidly maturing in the use of the resources that distinguish it from other types of journalism: hypertextuality, multimedia and interactivity. Methods: Given that the study of the use of these resources is relatively recent, this article presents the results of an empirical quantitative study of the use of hypertextuality, multimedia and interactivity in digital sports journalism in Spain and France. The study is based on the analysis of the sports news sites L’Équipe and AsResults and conclusions: The mostly used type of hypertextual information is internal and contextual; the most predominant multimedia resource is photography; while interactivity occurs mostly in the comments section. The use of digital resources by digital sports journalism can be improved.


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Author Biographies

Joan-Francesc , Pompeu Fabra University

Joan-Francesc Fondevila-Gascón holds a PhD (cum laude) in Journalism. Professor at the Department of Communication of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and the Department of Media studies of the Universitat de Girona.

Leader of the Digital Journalism and Broadband research group.

Author of numerous books and scientific articles on communication, telecommunications, and social sciences.

Director of the Cable Studies Centre (CECABLE). Winner of several research awards.

Josep Rom-Rodríguez, Ramon Llull University

Josep Rom Rodríguez holds a PhD in Advertising and Public Relations. Professor and Vice-Dean of Equipment and Technology at the Blanquerna School of Communication of the Ramon Llull University, in Barcelona.

Leader of the Advertising strategy and creativity research group.

Eva Santana-López, Ramon Llull University

Doctor in Advertising and Public Relations, she is currently a professor and Coordinator of Module IV of the Blanquerna Faculty of Communication of the Ramón Llull University, Barcelona, ​​and researcher of the Research Group on Advertising Strategy and Creativity.


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How to Cite

Joan-Francesc, Rom-Rodríguez, J. ., & Santana-López, E. . (2016). International comparison of the use of digital resources in digital sports journalism: case studies from Spain and France. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (71), 124–140.


