Narration and placement of tourist spaces in Spanish fiction cinema (1951-1977)




Cinema, tourism promotion, audiovisual narrative, product placement


The importance of the tourism industry in Spain is unquestionable. Long before the emergence of the so-called film commissions, the use of the audiovisual industry, and in particular of cinema, as an instrument for the promotion of tourist destinations was noticeable. Based on this premise, the objective of this research study is to analyse the placement of tourist space as a product placed in the narrative and dramatic structure of the tourism-themed films produced during the life of the Spanish Ministry of Information and Tourism (1951-1977). This study, therefore, focuses on the analysis of the audiovisual narrative. The results show how the representation of the tourist space is materialised in tourist views, is associated to certain intangible values, sometimes by contrast to other spaces, and can produce a digression from the story or can be fully integrated in its dramatic structure.


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Author Biographies

Jorge Nieto Ferrando, University of Lleida

Assistant Professor of Audiovisual narrative and Mass media history. Coordinator of the B.A. degree programme in Audiovisual Communication and Journalism at the University of Lleida.

Six years of experience as research at AQU. He has participated in several funded research projects, including “Interaction between Spanish cinema and tourism: historical-thematic development; cultural, political and economic codes; and future prospects” (HAR2011-27750). He is also signed research contracts as main researcher with Filmoteca Española/ICAA, and Filmoteca de la Generalitat Valenciana, among others.

He is the author of more than 20 book chapters, and articles published such journals as AyerArchivos de la Filmoteca, Secuencias and Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodísto. He is the author of Posibilismos, memorias y fraudes. El cine de Basilio Martín Patino (2006); La memoria cinematográfica de la Guerra Civil1936-1982 (2008); Cine en PapelCultura y crítica cinematográfica en España, 1939-1962 (2009); Cine en papel. Cultura y crítica cinematográfica en España, 1962-1983 (2013); and Críticos, escritores y revistas de cine en España (2015). He has coordinated and co-coordinated the book volumes Por un cine de lo real. Cincuenta años después de las “Conversaciones de Salamanc(winner of the 2006 Best Collective Research Work Prize, awarded by the Spanish Association of Film Historians); El destino se disculpa. El cine de José Luis Sáenz de Heredia (2011); Seis aproximaciones a las independencias latinoamericanas en el cine (2012); and 1808-1810. Cine e independencias (2012).

Antonia del Rey Reguillo, University of Valencia

Full Professor of Audiovisual Communication. Recognised as researcher for 12 years by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain (ANECA). His research interests are the representation of Spanish cinema and the interaction between Spanish fiction film and tourism. Coordinator of the Cinema, Imagination and Tourism research group (CITur), with which he has directed two institutionally funded R&D projects: La imagen de España como destino turístico construida a través del cine (reference: GV05/114), financed by the Enterprise, University and Science Counsel of the Valencian Government and executed in 2005 and 2006; and “Interaction between Spanish cinema and tourism: historical-thematic development; cultural, political and economic codes; and future prospects” (reference: HAR2011-27750), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain, currently in development.

Author of about 30 publications that include book chapters and journal articles, including: n: Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, Iberic@lRevue d’études ibériques et ibéro-américainesArchivos de la Filmoteca, Versants. Revue Suisse des Littératures RomanesSecuencias and L’Âge d’or: image dans le monde ibérique et ibéroaméricain.

Author of the books Orson Welles. Ciudadano Kane. Estudio crítico (2002) and Los borrosos años diez. Crónica de un cine ignorado (2005). She is also the Cine, Imaginario y Turismo (2007), Turistas de película. Sus representaciones en el cine hispánico (2013) and Cine iberoamericano contemporáneo y géneros cinematográficos (2014), co-edited by Nancy Berthier.

Eugenia Afinoguenova, Marquette University

Professor of Spanish and Cultural studies. Winner of several national and international competitions, including the 2014 Research Fellowship of the American Council for Learned Societies (“Spaniards at the Prado: A Leisure Culture History”,

Participant in the funded research project titled “Interaction between Spanish cinema and tourism: historical-thematic development; cultural, political and economic codes; and future prospects” (HAR2011-27750).

Author of more than 20 book chapters and articles published in journals such as The Journal of Modern History, The Journal of Tourism History, International Journal of Heritage Studies, Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, Revista Hispánica Moderna, and Archivos de la Filmoteca.

Author of El idiota superviviente. Artes y letras españolas frente a la "muerte del hombre", 1969-1990 (2003) and co-coordinator (with Jaume Martí-Olivella) of de Spain is (Still) Different: Tourism and Discourse in Spanish Identity (2008).


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How to Cite

Nieto Ferrando, J. ., del Rey Reguillo, A., & Afinoguenova, E. . (2015). Narration and placement of tourist spaces in Spanish fiction cinema (1951-1977). Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (70), 584–610.


