Cuban stories from this century. Discourse analysis of a purposive sample of fictional films from the last decade
cuban cinema, film production, discursive featuresAbstract
Introduction. This article presents the partial results of a research study on the discursive features of contemporary Cuban cinema, based on the analysis of the thematic and formal components of a sample of national productions. The selection of filmmakers and films is based on various research techniques and consultation to film experts from Cuba and eight other countries. Method. The study is qualitative and is based on bibliographic-documental reviews, semi-structured interviews and discourse analysis of a sample of film productions. Results and discussion. After offering an outline of the history of Cuba and its national cinema, the article critically deconstructs the works of two Cuban directors who are great exponents of the contemporary national productions. Conclusions. The analysis highlights the main features and genuineness of the film narrative of the selected sample of films and the key generational approaches and concerns among the filmmakers under study.
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