New communicative resistances: the rebellion of the ACAPD
Counter-information, Social representations, Basque Country, Audiovisual Cultural Artefacts of Protest and Demand, Social movementsAbstract
This article aims to make a contribution to the debate on the role of the media in the cultivation of assumptions about reality, especially after the emergence of the new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Objectives. The study focuses on the analysis of two specific new forms of communicative conflict that have been used in social movements: the protest lip dubs and videos of police misconduct filmed by civilians. Both of these communicative forms are types of what we have termed Audiovisual Cultural Artefacts of Protest and Demand (ACAPD). Method. The study is based on a theoretical analysis of the relationship between power, communication and resistance, and offers an interpretation of the different dimensions in which resistance and conflict are articulated. For the empirical analysis, six audiovisual artefacts that have been used in the Basque context have been examined based on the methodological reflections on visual sociology. Results and conclusions. The results provide a general characterisation of these audiovisual artefacts, while the analysis of the Basque case allows us to contextualise these tactical and communicative innovations, and to discuss the importance of context, the construction of the discourse, the possible tendencies towards spectacularisation and the possibilities of counter-stereotyping.
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